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Auhinna võitis ka Eesti tervisetehnoloogia ettevõte Antegenes, mis tegeleb vähi täppisennetusega.

EIT Health annab kuni 50 000 eurot ja pakub mentorlust 12-le iduettevõttele, mis aitavad lahendada eakate heaolu probleeme

• EIT Health koos 10 rahvusvahelise partneriga avalikustasid 12 idufirmat, kes pälvisid Healthy Longevity Catalyst Award’i. • Iga idufirma saab kuni 50 000 eurot ja mentorlust eakate hoolekande uuendusteks. • Toetus ja mentorlus on mõeldud lahendamaks peamisi valdkonna probleeme, kiirendades eakate hoolduses uute lahenduste kasutuselevõttu.

This is a great example of a product that supports healthy and active living and also prevents the spread of infectious diseases, especially during the colder months of the year.

Innovative natural antibacterial neck tube launched at EIT Health matchmaking in Tallinn

This is a great example of a product that supports healthy and active living and also prevents the spread of infectious diseases, especially during the colder months of the year.I am excited to personally use a product from an innovative startup like HealthTextiles that is supported by EIT Health. We look forward to seeing the development of their product portfolio, says Zara Pons Vila,

EIT Health korraldab Tallinnas võrgustumisürituse, mille fookus on terviseandmetel

EIT Health korraldab Tallinnas võrgustumisürituse, mille fookus on terviseandmetel

EIT Health korraldab Tallinnas võrgustumisürituse, mille fookus on terviseandmetel Talve üks tähtsaimaid võrgustumisüritusi toimub 5.-6. detsembril. EIT Health korraldab regulaarselt match-making üritusi, kus partneritel ja erinevatel tervishoiu innovatsiooni osapooltel üle Euroopa on võimalus kohtuda potentsiaalsete koostööpartneritega, et luua uusi konsortsiume erinevate taotlusvoorude jaoks.

Social media

Today marks the launch of Health Data Sweden (HDS) a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) a one-stop-shop for acceleration of digital transformation in health data for SME’s and the public sector, using key technologies.

- HDS is an important project for EIT Health Scandinavia. By facilitating the possibility of sharing health data, which is of great value to patients who gain access to new, effective medicines and treatments, with the support of digital solutions, we increase the pace of change to ensure that research is translated into new innovative solutions and companies, says @annikaszp Annika Szabo Portela, Managing Director EIT Health Scandinavia.

EIT Health Scandinavia is one of 18 partners.

Find out more and check out our service directory here:

Today marks the launch of Health Data Sweden (HDS) a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) a one-stop-shop for acceleration of digital transformation in health data for SME’s and the public sector, using key technologies. - HDS is an important project for EIT Health Scandinavia. By facilitating the possibility of sharing health data, which is of great value to patients who gain access to new, effective medicines and treatments, with the support of digital solutions, we increase the pace of change to ensure that research is translated into new innovative solutions and companies, says @annikaszp Annika Szabo Portela, Managing Director EIT Health Scandinavia. EIT Health Scandinavia is one of 18 partners. Find out more and check out our service directory here:

Förslaget om delning av hälsodata (EHDS) har haft hög prioritet under det svenska ordförandeskapet i Europeiska unionens råd.

När nu det svenska ordförandeskapet går mot sitt slut har vi ställt tre korta frågor till EIT Health Scandinavia partners:
🌍 Vad står på er önskelista gällande det svenska EU-ordförandeskapet och vad vill ni skicka vidare till nästa ordförande land Spanien?
🌍 Vad ser ni för möjligheter med European Health Data Space?
🌍 Hur kan samarbetet inom EU ytterligare bidra till en stärkt hälso- och sjukvård?

Först ut är Sarah Thunberg, PhD, chef för Affärs- och Innovationsområdet Hälsa och life science på @risesweden RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

#EU2023SE #hälsodata #ehds #healthdata #eithealth

Förslaget om delning av hälsodata (EHDS) har haft hög prioritet under det svenska ordförandeskapet i Europeiska unionens råd. När nu det svenska ordförandeskapet går mot sitt slut har vi ställt tre korta frågor till EIT Health Scandinavia partners: 🌍 Vad står på er önskelista gällande det svenska EU-ordförandeskapet och vad vill ni skicka vidare till nästa ordförande land Spanien? 🌍 Vad ser ni för möjligheter med European Health Data Space? 🌍 Hur kan samarbetet inom EU ytterligare bidra till en stärkt hälso- och sjukvård? Först ut är Sarah Thunberg, PhD, chef för Affärs- och Innovationsområdet Hälsa och life science på @risesweden RISE Research Institutes of Sweden #EU2023SE #hälsodata #ehds #healthdata #eithealth

EIT Health Catapult: fast-tracking Europe’s best start-ups!
Three podium finalists from each category will compete on the main stage of Bits & Pretzels HealthTech during the final on June 20.

Meet LauraKoivusalo @stemsight_oy - Vision Unlimited our finalist from Finland developing cell therapies for corneal blindness using human stem cells.

We are cheering for you in the finals! Best of luck!

@eithealth Bits & Pretzels HealthTech
#eithealth #cornealblindnes #biotech

See the full list here:

EIT Health Catapult: fast-tracking Europe’s best start-ups! Three podium finalists from each category will compete on the main stage of Bits & Pretzels HealthTech during the final on June 20. Meet LauraKoivusalo @stemsight_oy - Vision Unlimited our finalist from Finland developing cell therapies for corneal blindness using human stem cells. We are cheering for you in the finals! Best of luck! @eithealth Bits & Pretzels HealthTech #eithealth #cornealblindnes #biotech See the full list here:

Celebrating IWD today, we are thrilled to have Kirk Nylen from Ontario Brain Institute joining EIT Health as a Fellow to learn from the vast array of health and innovation activity across the EU. 
Get in touch with Kirk:
- for collaboration and discussion on collaborative clinical research networks (esp. w focus on brain health), 
- data systems (sharing, linking, and analytics), and innovation activities to support a learning health system approach. 
- connect online or in-person. 
- if you are interested in visiting Toronto
- having Kirk present at workshops and conferences

We embrace equity to forge harmony and unity, and to help drive success for all.

#IWD2023 #EmbraceEquity #innovation #clinicalresearch

Celebrating IWD today, we are thrilled to have Kirk Nylen from Ontario Brain Institute joining EIT Health as a Fellow to learn from the vast array of health and innovation activity across the EU. Get in touch with Kirk: - for collaboration and discussion on collaborative clinical research networks (esp. w focus on brain health), - data systems (sharing, linking, and analytics), and innovation activities to support a learning health system approach. - connect online or in-person. - if you are interested in visiting Toronto - having Kirk present at workshops and conferences We embrace equity to forge harmony and unity, and to help drive success for all. #IWD2023 #EmbraceEquity #innovation #clinicalresearch

It's International Women's Day! 🎈 Let’s celebrate all female entrepreneurs!

Women are recognised and celebrated as founders of some of Europe’s most successful companies. Companies set-up by women receive less early-stage funding than those set-up by men BUT according to a study by Boston Consulting Group female owned start-ups generate more revenue... 🤑 💰

Join other successful female founders and co-founders at our Women Entrepreneurship Bootcamp.

Apply by 20 March to learn how you can take advantage of the diversity in your team to boost your health start-up in Europe. 👇🏼

Link in bio!

#IWD2023 #EmbraceEquity #entrepreneurship

It's International Women's Day! 🎈 Let’s celebrate all female entrepreneurs! Women are recognised and celebrated as founders of some of Europe’s most successful companies. Companies set-up by women receive less early-stage funding than those set-up by men BUT according to a study by Boston Consulting Group female owned start-ups generate more revenue... 🤑 💰 Join other successful female founders and co-founders at our Women Entrepreneurship Bootcamp. Apply by 20 March to learn how you can take advantage of the diversity in your team to boost your health start-up in Europe. 👇🏼 Link in bio! #IWD2023 #EmbraceEquity #entrepreneurship

About EIT Health Scandinavia

EIT Health is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) established by the EU body European Institute for Innovation & Technology (EIT). EIT Health is a collaboration between more than 150 Partners within pharma, medtech, healthcare and healthcare funders, research institutions, and universities. Backed by the European Union, EIT Health is Europe’s largest life science collaboration organisation, and one of the largest life science initiatives world-wide. EIT Health is active across three fields: business creation, education, and multidisciplinary healthcare innovation initiatives.

EIT Health has partners and programmes in 17 countries. The Regional Innovation Hubs are present in Barcelona, Paris, Dublin, Rotterdam, Heidelberg-Mannheim, Wienna and Budapest. The central office is located in Munich. EIT Health Scandinavia covers Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Estonia, with an office in Stockholm.

EIT Health Scandinavia

Torsgatan 11
111 23 Stockholm

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