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Konflikter koster flere liv: Ny FN-rapport viser drastisk stigning i antallet af civile dødsfald

Konflikter koster flere liv: Ny FN-rapport viser drastisk stigning i antallet af civile dødsfald

New York, 17. juli 2024: FNs nye gobale fremskridtsrapport for verdensmål 16 – fred retfærdighed og stærke institutioner – afslører foruroligende data, der truer med at underminere fremtidige fremskridt for alle verdensmålene for bæredygtig udvikling.
Antallet af civile dræbt i konflikter er steget med 72 procent fra 2022 til 2023, med 33.400 civile dødsfald. Af disse er 31 procent børn og 36 p

According to projections of the assessment, a third month of war would see poverty increase by almost 45 percent, raising the number of additional people pushed into poverty to more than 660,000, while the decrease of GDP will reach 12.2 percent with

Poverty in the State of Palestine set to soar by more than a third if war continues for a second month

New York – If the war in Gaza continues for a second month the poverty rate in the State of Palestine will soar by 34 percent, thrusting nearly half a million additional people into poverty, as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) plummets by 8.4 percent—a loss of US$1.7 billion—according to initial estimates by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Economic and Social Commission for

The multipurpose support vessel Ndeavor, which will sail with its crew and experts, is loaded with generators, hydraulic pumps and other specialized equipment to carry out the operation on the Safer, which no longer has functioning systems.

United Nations Takes Next Major Step to Prevent Catastrophic Oil Spill in Red Sea

Rotterdam – In the latest critical step towards preventing a massive oil spill off Yemen’s Red Sea coast, the global leading maritime services company Boskalis’s support vessel Ndeavor will sail en route to the Red Sea in the coming hours.
On Wednesday, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) finalized the contract for the Boskalis subsidiary SMIT Salvage to transfer the million barrels

UNDP Afghanistan

UNDP warns that restrictions on women’s rights will worsen economic catastrophe in Afghanistan

Kabul, April 18, 2023 – A new study of Afghanistan’s economy demonstrates that without continuity for girls’ education and women’s ability to work, prospects for the country’s recovery will remain grim.
The study, “Afghanistan Socio-Economic Outlook 2023”, released today in Kabul by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), details how Afghanistan’s economic output collapsed by 20.7 per

Statement by the UNDP Administrator on Taliban Ban on Afghan Women Working with United Nations

UNDP joins the Secretary-General and other United Nations (UN) agencies in calling on the Taliban de facto authorities to immediately revoke the decision banning Afghan women from working for the UN and reverse all measures restricting women’s and girls’ rights.
Afghanistan is on the brink of economic collapse, exacerbated with the takeover in August 2021. The effects of the pandemic, followed

FN's Udviklingsprogram

UNDP er FN’s førende udviklingsorganisation i kampen mod fattigdom, ulighed og klimaforandringer. I samarbejde med vores brede netværk af eksperter og partnere i 170 lande hjælper vi nationer med at levere sammenhængende og bæredygtige udviklingsløsninger for mennesker og planeten.

UNDP Danmark

Marmorvej 51
2100 København

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