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CLAAS restarts series production of harvesting technology and tractors

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CLAAS restarts series production of harvesting technology and tractors

Harsewinkel, 17 April 2020. CLAAS will restart series production of harvesting technology and tractors at the sites in Harsewinkel (Germany), Le Mans (France) and Törökszentmiklós (Hungary) this coming Monday. Baler production in Metz (France) is also scheduled to resume step by step a few days later. This brings an intensive preparatory phase to a close, which involved an analysis of health protection and the definition of necessary preventive measures. During the planning phase, the purchasing departments contacted all necessary national and international suppliers to ensure a smooth relaunch. Warehouse stocks were also increased on short notice.

“In this time, our thoughts are mainly with those staff members and countries that were, and still are, particularly affected by the pandemic. We are therefore delighted to send out a ray of hope by relaunching series production at our four major production sites", explains Thomas Böck, CLAAS CEO.

The continued spread of the corona virus and ever greater restrictions along the supply chain had led to an interruption in production at the four sites for several weeks in mid-March. In spite of this, deliveries of machines that had already been built continued at a high level.

The international situation remains varied, however. Production at the Gaomi (China) site has largely been back to normal for a few weeks now, while the sites in Omaha (USA), Krasnodar (Russia) as well as Paderborn, Dissen and Bad Saulgau (all in Germany) have only been affected by the pandemic on a temporary basis or in some cases not at all. The situation is different in Chandigarh (India), where political decisions have put production on hold.

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CLAAS (www.claas-gruppe.com) is a family business founded in 1913 and one of the world’s leading manufacturers of agricultural technology. The company, with its headquarters in Harsewinkel in Germany, is the European market leader in combine harvesters. CLAAS is the world leader in another large product group, self-propelled forage harvesters. CLAAS is also a top performer in agricultural technology worldwide, with its tractors, agricultural balers and green harvesting machinery. Our product range also includes cutting edge agricultural information technology. CLAAS employs more than 11,400 people worldwide and reported turnover of EUR 3.8 billion in the financial year 2019.


Michael Husfeldt

Michael Husfeldt

Adm. direktør +45 40 51 48 26

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