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Emner: Landbrug

Peter Iversen, CEO of Vilomix

Peter Iversen celebrates 25 years at Vilomix

Under Peter Iversen's leadership, Vilomix has developed explosively and the premix company now has activities on three continents, while turnover has multiplied under his leadership.

Peter Iversen fejrer 25 års jubilæum i Vilomix

Peter Iversen fejrer 25 års jubilæum i Vilomix

Peter Iversen har stået i spidsen for Vilomix i 25 år. Under hans ledelse har premix-selskabet udviklet sig eksplosivt, og i dag har det aktiviteter på tre kontinenter, mens omsætningen er mangedoblet.

39-årige Nicolaj Siig (tv) er ansat som projektchef i Grønt Han Herred A/S. Her ses han med  Flemming Pedersen /th.), der er formand for selskabet.

Grønt Han Herred ansætter projektchef

Grønt Han Herred A/S, et bioenergiselskab ejet af lokale landmænd og Danish Agro, har taget et vigtigt skridt mod at realisere planen om at bygge et biogasanlæg ved Fjerritslev ved at ansætte 39-årige Nicolaj Siig som projektchef.

NutriFair er mere end bare en messe

NutriFair er mere end bare en messe

De besøgende kan tage meget med hjem fra årets NutriFair. Udover alle udstillerne og aktuelle foredrag på scenen fungerer messen nemlig også som mødested for samarbejdspartnere landmændene imellem.

Finn Boy Hansen, projekt- og udviklingsdirektør i Lolland-Falster Bioenergi

Lolland-Falster Bioenergi ansætter projektdirektør

Det landmandsejede bioenergiselskab, Lolland-Falster Bioenergi Aps, der arbejder for at etablere et biogasanlæg på Lolland-Falster, har taget et skridt mod realisering af projektet ved at ansætte sin første medarbejder. Den 1. december 2024 tiltræder Finn Boy Hansen som projekt- og udviklingsdirektør.

Open-minded and forward-thinking: CLAAS is exploring alternatives to diesel

Open-minded and forward-thinking: CLAAS is exploring alternatives to diesel

Agricultural machines are among the most challenging cases when it comes to decarbonisation. CLAAS is actively engaged in research and development to identify the most sustainable, practical and cost-effective solutions for various on-farm applications. The main focus is battery-powered systems for applications in and around the farmyard, as well as alternative fuels for heavier machine classes.



ROTO-MASTER RMN is designed for full-area cultivation regardless of the number of rows. It ensures optimal soil aeration, promotes crop growth, reduces soil moisture evaporation and suppresses weeds from the moment they appear. The ROTO-MASTER RMN has a robust frame made of wide profiles. Thanks to them, the machine is able to operate at speeds of up to 30 km/h.

Nyheder i marken for BEDNAR såmaskiner

Nyheder i marken for BEDNAR såmaskiner

The seed drill portfolio has long been one of BEDNAR's key segments. In addition to the existing products for conventional, direct or strip seeding, the company is expanding its portfolio with a new seeding combination. The CORSA CN seeding bar offers new equipment options and the hoppers and air-carts have also been innovated.

2 års fabriksgaranti på Bednar maskiner uden begrænsning på antal kørte ha.

BEDNAR maskiner: Nu med 2 års fabriksgaranti uden begrænsning på antal kørte hektar

The different soil conditions, farming methods and characteristics of each continent have tested BEDNAR machines in recent years to such an extent that we are not afraid to stand behind the quality of our products. As a bonus, we now offer customers a two-year factory warranty on new machines from our complete product portfolio.

Innovative Innovative new features for the JAGUAR from CLAAS set new standards for added customer value in terms of productivity, economy and comfort.

Innovative features til CLAAS JAGUAR: V-FLEX snittecylinder, ny PICK UP og CSPS analyse direkte i marken

CLAAS has raised the bar even higher in terms of chopping quality, efficiency, reliability and comfort with the introduction of several new technologies for forage harvesters. JAGUAR customers can now take advantage of new options such as the V-FLEX chopping cylinder and CSPS analysis via CLAAS connect, as well as various improvements to the crop flow and drive provided as standard.

New CLAAS telehandlers in the 3- and 4-tonne class feature more power and more comfort

New CLAAS telehandlers in the 3- and 4-tonne class feature more power and more comfort

Harsewinkel, August 29, 2024. CLAAS has launched five new SCORPION telehandlers in the 3- and 4-tonne class. These models feature significant improvements in comfort and convenience, as well as improved stability and more lift capacity. The new VARIPOWER 3 drive with boosted tractive force is optionally available for the SCORPION 738 and 742..

CLAAS, AgXeed and Amazone founded the first autonomy association for agricultural machinery in 2023 to further develop standardisation across manufacturers.

3A autonomy group supports standardisation in the AEF

Following its exciting launch at Agritechnica 2023 and having been awarded the Farm Machine Award and an Agritechnica silver medal, the 3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY group is engaged in open exchange with other manufacturers as well as with the AEF (Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation).

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Dansk landbrugskoncern der er ejet af 8.100 danske landmænd

Danish Agro koncernen består af en række agroindustrielle selskaber i ind- og udland. De har alle den overordnede målsætning - i et tæt samspil med kunderne - at medvirke til værdiskabende løsninger på de enkelte bedrifter.

Koncernen er beskæftiget inden for salg af foderblandinger, råvare- og vitaminforblandinger, gødning, planteværn, såsæd og energi samt køb af afgrøder fra landbruget. Endvidere forhandler koncernen en række stærke maskinbrands til landbruget samt driver en omfattende kæde af hobby- og fritidsforretninger. Danish Agro koncernen beskæftiger 5.500 medarbejdere og havde i 2024 en omsætning på 45,5 mia. kr.

Danish Agro

Køgevej 55
4653 Karise