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CLAAS India celebrates production of 10,000th CROP TIGER

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CLAAS India celebrates production of 10,000th CROP TIGER

CLAAS India celebrates production of 10,000th CROP TIGER

The end of February saw CLAAS India celebrate a major milestone in the history of the brand's presence in the country: the 10,000th CROP TIGER 30 TERRA TRAC rolled off the assembly line at the Morinda production site in the far north of India.

The participants, including representatives of key CLAAS authorised dealers and sales outlets in the South-East Asia region, marked the occasion with a grand roll-out ceremony. Highlights included not only the traditional breaking of the coconut by Rajat Agarwal, CEO of Invest Punjab, which signified the official inauguration of the machine, but also a tour of the plant.

Jan-Hendrik Mohr, member of the CLAAS Group Executive Board and responsible for the Grain Harvest Division, took on the role of flagman to wave the machine off the assembly line. He was then joined by Sriram Kannan and Mrityunjaya Singh (both Managing Directors of CLAAS Agricultural Machinery Private Ltd) for the official unveiling of the CROP TIGER and its presentation to the dealers and suppliers.

In production since 1992, the CROP TIGER features a tangential rotor (Tangential Axial Flow TAF) separation system for harvesting wet rice, grain, maize, soybeans and other crops. Since 2008, production has been based in Morinda, north-west of the city of Chandigarh. Equipped with the TERRA TRAC crawler track system, the majority of CROP TIGER machines are in use in South India, South Korea, Sri Lanka and other Southeast Asian countries. The 10,000th machine will be used for harvesting in Davangere in South India.

Journalists please note:

This is an international press release. The product range and equipment variants can vary in certain countries. If you have any questions, please contact the CLAAS sales and marketing company or the CLAAS importer in your country.

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CLAAS (www.claas-group.com) is a family business founded in 1913 and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of agricultural engineering equipment. The company, with corporate headquarters in Harsewinkel, Westphalia, is the European market leader in combine harvesters. CLAAS is the world leader in another large product group, self-propelled forage harvesters. CLAAS is also a top performer in world-wide agricultural engineering with tractors, agricultural balers and green harvesting machinery. The CLAAS product portfolio also includes state-of-the-art farming information technology. CLAAS employs more than 11,400 workers worldwide and posted sales of 3.8 billion euros in the 2019 financial year.



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Michael Husfeldt

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