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Explorers Project, MK Gallery, 2019 courtesy of Project Art Works

Copenhagen Contemporary åbner unik gruppeudstilling, der sprænger rammerne for formidling og baner nye veje for mere synlighed, tilgængelighed og repræsentation

Den 27. april slår Copenhagen Contemporary (CC) dørene op til den eksperimenterende udstilling Residential skabt i samarbejde med Project Art Works. I mere end 25 år har det britiske kunstnerkollektiv været bannerførere i arbejdet med at skabe en kollaborativ kunstpraksis med neurodivergente personer, der inviterer gæster til samskabelse og refleksion på helt nye måder.

Explorers Project, MK Gallery, 2019 courtesy of Project Art Works

Copenhagen Contemporary is opening a unique group show redefining collaborative art practice and paving new ways for improved visibility, accessibility and representation

On 27 April, Copenhagen Contemporary opens its doors to Residential, an exploratory exhibition created by Project Art Works. For more than 25 years, this British artists’ collective has spearheaded collaborative art practice with neurodivergent people, inviting visitors to participate in brand new ways of co-creation and reflection.

The Beckett Foundation, in partnership with Copenhagen Contemporary, honours Jane Jin Kaisen as the winner of the Beckett Prize 2023

The Beckett Foundation, in partnership with Copenhagen Contemporary, honours Jane Jin Kaisen as the winner of the Beckett Prize 2023

The Beckett Foundation and Copenhagen Contemporary (CC) are proud to announce the winner of the Beckett Prize 2023: the Danish artist Jane Jin Kaisen. The award is a recognition of her ground-breaking artistic work which, through filmic works, navigates the intersection between lived experience, embodied knowledge and political narratives. The prize comes with a grant of DKK 250,000.

Beckett-Fonden hædrer i samarbejde med Copenhagen Contemporary Jane Jin Kaisen som vinder af den store kunstpris Beckett-Prisen 2023

Beckett-Fonden hædrer i samarbejde med Copenhagen Contemporary Jane Jin Kaisen som vinder af den store kunstpris Beckett-Prisen 2023

Beckett-Fonden og Copenhagen Contemporary (CC) er stolte af at løfte sløret for vinderen af Beckett-Prisen 2023: den danske kunstner Jane Jin Kaisen. Hun hædres for sit toneangivende kunstneriske virke, der gennem filmiske værker bevæger sig i krydsfeltet mellem levede erfaringer, kropsliggjort viden og politiske historier. Med prisen følger en hædersbevilling på 250.000 kr.

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Copenhagen Contemporary

Copenhagen Contemporary (CC) is Copenhagen’s international art center showing installation art created by world stars and new emerging talents. CC occupies the magnificent former B&W welding hall offering a total of 7,000 m2 of beautiful industrial halls with plenty of space to show the technical and large formats in which many contemporary artists work: total installations, performance art, and monumental video works.

Copenhagen Contemporary

Refshalevej 173A
1432 Copenhagen K