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Screenshot eMC+ / Bild: GAF AG
Screenshot eMC+ / Bild: GAF AG

Pressemitteilung -

New Nigerian Online Mining Cadastre System based on GAF AG’s eMC+ officially launched

The Nigeria Mining Cadastre Office (MCO) in Abuja officially launched its new Online Mining Cadastre System, based on GAF’s eMC+ framework, in November 2022 at the 6th Nigeria Mining Week, in the presence of the Vice President, Prof Yemi Osinbajo, and the Director General MCO, Engr Simon Nkom.

The new system connects the six newly-established Zonal Offices with the headquarters in Abuja, and ensures efficient and transparent management of the mining sector in Nigeria. Investors are now provided with the possibility to submit applications and track the processing of these online, while the general public also benefits by getting access to cadastral information in real-time.

The GAF software eMC+ (electronic Mining Cadastre +) facilitates the administration and management of mineral titles by ensuring information transparency and accessibility. It forms the basis of GAF’s framework for providing mining cadastre authorities around the world with a complete package of consulting services and software tailored to the specific requirements of the cadastre domain. The system is designed to increase institutional capacities and efficiency by delivering a comprehensive mineral tenure management solution.

The new online system in Nigeria connects the six newly-established Zonal Offices in six geopolitical zones with the headquarters in Abuja, and ensures efficient and transparent management of the mining sector in Nigeria. Investors are now provided with the possibility to submit applications and track the processing of these online, while the general public also benefits by getting access to cadastral information in real-time.

The official opening of the new Mining Cadastre System eMC+ by President Muhammadu Buhari, who was represented by the Vice President, Prof Yemi Osinbajo, took place at the 6th Nigeria Mining Week in November 2022.

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo said: “Nigeria now has a cadastre system that is efficient, non-discretionary, transparent, and accessible to investors around the world. A number of strategic investments have been made in the development of digitised platforms and technology infrastructure to support digital systems for mining sector governance”.

The Director General MCO, Engr Simon Nkom, explained that the purpose of the online platform is to grant all existing investors and prospects from any part of the world access to their information online and in real-time, via laptops and phones. He further added that as a result of the new cadastre system upgrade, the country will be able to increase its revenue generation. He stated, “the system will encourage foreign investment in the sector. More people will be able to see that there is transparency, and Nigeria will benefit from these aspects in terms of greater revenue generation.

The upgraded cadastre system was implemented as part of “Mineral Sector Support for Economic Diversification Project - MINDIVER”, which was financed by a World Bank credit from the International Development Association (IDA). The contract for “Upgrading and Automatization of the Mining Cadastre Office for Online Applications, e-recording, Archiving and Establishment of Mining Cadastre Offices in the Six Geopolitical Zones” was signed by GAF in September 2018.

The project is a successful continuation of the long-standing relationship between the Nigeria Mining Cadastre Office and GAF, which goes back to 2007, when the first steps in realising a digital cadastre system were taken. The new system represents the latest development and provides state-of-the-art functionality via GAF’s eMC+.

More info about eMC+: http://emcplus.gaf.de/ and: https://nigeriaminingcadastre.gov.ng/emc





Birgit Aigner

Birgit Aigner

Pressekontakt Technologie- und B2B-Marketing 089 543 44 065

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