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Children in Nigeria awards "Children’s  Nobel Prize" to fighter against child marriage

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Children in Nigeria awards "Children’s Nobel Prize" to fighter against child marriage

Children in Nigeria, along with millions of others around the world, took part in the Global Vote, which determines who will be the recipient of the World’s Children’s Prize (WCP). The vote marks the end of the WCP program, the world’s largest annual education initiative, which empowers children to become changemakers who stand up for the equal worth of every individual, the rights of the child, democracy and sustainable development. Almost 44 million children have participated since 2000.

Two other child rights champions were also honoured today: Spès Nihangaza, Burundi, for her 25-year fight for orphaned children who have been severely affected by the AIDS epidemic and a brutal civil war, and Guylande Mésadieu, Haiti, who has been fighting for 20 years for children who have been forced into slavery, children in prison and children on the street.

The three Child Rights Heroes, who were candidates in this year’s Global Vote, had been nominated by a Child Jury, the members of which are experts in children’s rights through their own life experiences as refugees, slaves and indigenous people.

WCP’s patrons include Malala Yousafzai, the late Nelson Mandela, Graça Machel, Desmond Tutu, Sweden’s Queen Silvia and Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.

Award recipients honoured in Sweden today

All three candidates were honoured as Child Rights Heroes at a ceremony today at Gripsholm Castle in Mariefred, Sweden. Children from 13 countries presented the awards, with the help of Sweden’s Princess Sofia. The prize money, SEK 700,000, is shared between the recipient of the World’s Children’s Prize (SEK 350,000) and the two recipients of the Honorary Award (SEK 175,000 each), and is to be used in their work for children.

Empowered children in Nigeria

Children in Nigeria have learned about their rights, about the work of the Child Rights Heroes, about young Child Rights Ambassadors around the world, and about how democracy works. After learning about these issues, schools then arranged their own Vote Days with all the features of an election, including voting booths and election officiators. Contact us if you would like to find out more about how the WCP program has educated and empowered children in Nigeria as changemakers for democracy and the rights of the child.

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Contact Nigeria

Southern States:

Rotimi Aladetu (Royaltimi Talents

Network), presidentroyaltimi@, tel: 08052140295,


Northern States:

Moses Adedeji (CHRINET),, tel.

08030415288, 08076286288.

Patrons of the World’s Children’s Prize include Malala Youzafsai, the late Nelson Mandela, H.M. Queen Silvia of Sweden, Sweden’s Prime Minister and the Minister for Children.

The WCP is supported by 70,000 schools in 116 countries, and by over 778 organisations, institutions and departments of education. Since the launch of the program, half a million teachers have been trained to work with child rights and democracy in their schools.

The World’s Children’s Prize Foundation (WCPF) is supported by donors including the Swedish Postcode Lottery, Sida (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), Forum Syd, Julia & Hans Rausing Trust, H.M. Queen Silvia’s Care about the Children Foundation and the Survé Family Foundation.


Carmilla Floyd

Press contact +46 709507407

World’s Children’s Prize – education for a better world

Since its launch in 2000, close to 50 million children have learned about the Rights of the Child and democracy through the World's Children's prize Program. The majority of the participating children live in poor, fragile countries and are learn-ing for the first time that they have rights.

World's Children's Prize Foundation

Långgatan 13
64730 Mariefred

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