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Feel like a Nobel laureate in Stockholm

Today the top scientists, royalty and politicians of the world gather in Stockholm to honor this year’s Nobel laureates. But you can also experience the city in the spirit of Alfred Nobel all year around.

For example, you can take a tour of the City Hall where the Nobel banquet is held, visit the Nobelmuseum in the Old Town or any of the other museums with a on science. Or why not sample the Nobel Banquet menu?
Here are our top tips!


More stories on Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Prize:


Discover Stockholm: Following the Nobel Prize Trail

The Nobel Prize: Factoids and stories

The Nobel Prize: Here's how it works

The Nobel Prize: Milestones from the history of the Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize: A Nobel effect on Stockholm

Related links


  • Tourism


  • creativity
  • innovative
  • nobel price laureates
  • nobel prize
  • alfred nobel
  • swedish academy
  • nobel banquet
  • nobel committee
  • royal academy of sciences

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