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Christmas shopping in Stockholm - the winter wonderland

As exotic as the bright nights of midsummer is the dark time of year, when the sun sets early in the afternoon. Both the light and the darkness are celebrated in Stockholm. The streets are white with snow and illuminated by colored Christmas lights, and you can bask in the glow of candlelight at every café and restaurant. This cozy time is filled with traditions and shopping. Stockholm is the perfect destination for gift shopping and the Christmas spirit. 

Here is our selection of Christmas markets. 

  • New! Hornstulls Christmasmarket
    A new contemporary Christmas market on Hornstullsstrand and towards Tantolunden park. When: Sat-Sun Nov 30-Dec 12.
    Open: 11 am-5 pm. 

  • Christmas market at Skansen
    Classic Christmas market. Don’t miss the Lucia celebration on December 13 or the Midwinter Festival on December 22. 
    When: Saturday-Sunday November 30-January 6. 
    Open: 10 a.m.–4 p.m. 
  • Christmas market in Gamla Stan
    Classic Christmas market in Stockholms Old town.
    Where: Stortorget. 
    When: November 23-December 23. 
    Open: 11 a.m.–6 p.m. 
  • Christmas market at the Royal Mews
    Where: The Royal Mews. 
    When:  November 29- December 1. 
    Open: Friday: 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Saturday:  10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sunday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 
  • Christmas market at Drottningholm
    Take the ferry from Stockholm City Hall to the royal Christmas market. 
    When: December 7-8. 
    Open: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 
  • Gingerbread house competition
    When: Throughout December. 
    Where: The Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design
  • Christmas market at the design schools.
    Creative and nontraditional.  
    Where: Konstfack - University College of Arts, Crafts & Design
    When: November 30-December 1. Open: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 
    Where: Beckmans
    When: December 14-15.


  • Art, Culture, Entertainment


  • christmas
  • christmas markets
  • christmas shopping
  • creativity
  • winter


Birgitta Palmér

Press Officer Presservice tourism +46 (0)8-508 28 505