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Morten, Alexandra and Pernille from Norway are your ski instructors - online. Photo:
Morten, Alexandra and Pernille from Norway are your ski instructors - online. Photo:

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Norwegian kids are eager to be your online ski instructors

Dreaming of skiing in Norway and lacking a bit of skiing experience? You would usually consider investing in a ski instructor upon arrival, right?  Now is the time to prepare for the next winter adventure. 

Now you can learn the basics online from experts with the purest skiing technique.

Visit Norway and the Norwegian ski destinations have created mini masterclasses online – and the teachers, they’re all kids.

Norwegians are known for their exceptional skiing skills, and there is actually a myth saying that they are born with skis on their feet. Don’t get surprised if you see a three-year-old rushing down the steepest hills when visiting a Norwegian alpine destination. 

Heard of the goggle gap?

Morten, Alexandra and Pernille have been skiing their entire lives. In their masterclass, the six-year-old kids will show you how to be on track ahead of your next alpine holiday. The first thing you need to learn is actually not how to get your skis going.

– It’s how to stop, Pernille can reveal.

And even before that, you will have to know how to gear up. Alexandra gives an example of a rookie mistake.

– One thing we see all the time is the goggle gap. You have to close the gap between the helmet and the goggles. It is safer and looks much better, she says.

The young instructors also teach you how to create a slice of pizza with your skis (and why you need to know that), in addition to other inside tips and tricks.

Norwegian kids – raised on skis

So, how do Norwegian kids become so incredibly good skiers?

First of all, skiing is in the soul of the Norwegian people. Since the dawn of time, Norwegians have been skiing. It’s kind of a lifestyle. And this lifestyle has always been passed on to the coming generations.

Secondly, Norway has one of the longest winter seasons of all countries in the world. And the main outdoor activity for kids during the winter is of course skiing.

In Norwegian schools, they arrange trips to different alpine skiing destinations regularly. And thousands of Norwegian kids are training and competing in organized sports teams. The fact that Norway has been the most successful nation in professional Nordic skiing for decades, in addition to having some of the best and most profiled alpine skiers in the world, also contributes to the general interest in skiing among Norwegian kids.

Family friendly resorts

Another important reason for Norwegian kids’ exceptional skiing abilities is of course that Norwegian alpine destinations are especially adapted to kids and their families.

The resorts have several slopes with different levels of difficulty, from tracks suitable for beginners to off-piste areas for the more advanced skiers.

Parents can easily keep an eye on the youngest kids without having to stick to them like glue, and as confidence increases and your skills improve – new challenges await in other slopes and the ski parks.

Where to go

Many of the biggest ski resorts in Norway are located in Eastern Norway, from Trysil, Hemsedal and Geilo to Hafjell, Kvitfjell, Beitostølen and Norefjell.

In Fjord Norway, you can get your daily dose of downhill skiing at the two ski centres Myrkdalen Fjellandsby and Voss resort. If you want to go skiing in Trøndelag, check out Oppdal Ski Centre.

At Narvikfjellet Ski Resort in Northern Norway, you can ski from the mountain and all the way down to the fjord – maybe even under the northern lights.

The great thing is – all of these ski resorts are located within a reasonable distance from major airports. The ski resorts in Eastern Norway are within driving distance from the ports where car ferries from Denmark and Sweden arrive.

Until then, enjoy these mini masterclasses from Norway.

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Norway is the place to experience the magical northern lights and the midnight sun above the Arctic Circle; visit the world-famous fjords surrounded by spectacular mountains and glaciers; and in the midst of stunning scenery, enjoy gourmet food and culture in the cities of Oslo, Trondheim, Stavanger, Bergen and Tromsø. 

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Nina Kjønigsen

Nina Kjønigsen

Press contact PR Lead +47 930 36463

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Visit Norway is Norway's official tourism board

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Norway is the place to experience the magical northern lights and the midnight sun above the Arctic Circle or world-famous fjords surrounded by spectacular mountains and glaciers. In the midst of stunning scenery, travellers can enjoy local food and culture in vibrant cities like Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger and Tromsø. For best advice on Norway, click on
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