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Carl Larsson gården Sundborn, Dalarna.
Carl Larsson gården Sundborn, Dalarna.

Press release -

An extraordinary app that makes the world rotate around the Carl Larsson gården

Lovers of art and culture around the world now have a unique opportunity to take a guided tour at the Carl Larsson gården. With this new app, you can visit the home of the famous Swedish artist couple, Carl and Karin Larsson and digital visitors can see exclusive material which is only available on the app.

‘The world rotates around this place – that’s how extraordinary it is’
Carl Larsson, Lilla Hyttnäs, Sundborn 1918

This one-of-a-kind app, developed through a partnership between the Carl Larsson gården in Sundborn, Norkay, Visit Dalarna and Tension Graphics, makes it possible for visitors to enjoy and experience Carl and Karin Larsson’s world anytime.

You can take a guided tour around the beautiful and artistic home of the Larsson family with the app. Every room is constructed with 360° photographs that give the visitor the feeling of standing in the middle of the room. You can see Carl’s artworks and Karin’s fabulous textiles as well as having the chance to study 3D objects in detail and being able to move them around from all angles. Listen to the actor Magnus Hård af Segerstad as he makes the experience even more real or read the texts which tell you about each of the rooms. There is also a timeline with images and text that visualises the Larsson family’s life story.

– It feels great that the app is now a reality and we can present our cultural heritage to interested people all over the world. For the Carl Larsson gården, this is a chance to reach new markets and target groups, as well as satisfying a huge international interest in a new and exciting way. Of course, we hope that the app will inspire more physical visits but also function as a source of information and an opportunity for more unique experiences relating to Carl Larsson, says Chia Jonsson, manager of the Carl Larsson gården.

Exclusive tours and materials

This really gives you the opportunity to take a guided tour with no time-related, geopgraphical, or physical obstructions. This makes the Carl Larsson gården accessible even for people with physical disabilities who would otherwise find it impossible to take part in a physical tour of the Carl Larsson gården.

– The idea of creating a digital view of Carl and Karin’s unique home and showing Carl’s beautiful paintings has been a part of our work here at the Carl Larsson gården for a long time, says Per Eriksson Pax, Creative Director of the communication agency Norkay. Per continues: We’re looking forward to adding to the content on the app with more 360° tours and exclusive materials to show how versatile Carl and Karin’s artistry really is.

First out of the tourist attractions in Dalarna

Visit Dalarna is the portal for a large number of Dalarna’s tourist attractions and experiences and has developed the technology behind the app as part of the project, Gamification of Dalarna, in partnership with Tension Graphics.

- The Carl Larsson gården is the first of our attractions in Dalarna to offer this type of digital experience, which is really exciting. We hope it will inspire and encourage digital visitors to come here and spend some time in the actual location, says Jonas Rosén, CEO of Visit Dalarna.

About the Carl Larsson gården app

  • Launching 28th of May, Carl Larsson's birthday
  • Currently available in Swedish and English
  • The app is available for Android and iOS, it costs 129 SEK and is available for download wherever you normally get your apps from

About Gamification of Dalarna

During 2020-2023 Visit Dalarna is running a development project called Gamification of Dalarna in partnership with Tension Graphics AB, with financing from Region Dalarna and the EU. The objective of the project is to increase accessibility and demand for what Dalarna has to offer, both on the national and international markets via the gamification of experiences before, during, and after a visit to Dalarna.


Chia Jonsson, Carl Larsson-gården.

Per Eriksson Pax, Norkay.

Lotta Magnusson, Visit Dalarna.

Magnus Björkman, Tension.

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Visit Dalarna is the Regional Tourism Organization for Dalarna. Our mission is to develop, market and sell the region Dalarna nationally and internationally.

Dalarna in central Sweden is often called “Sweden in miniature”. The Dalarna landscape is one of mountains, waterfalls and rivers, deep forests with woodland lakes and open rolling farmland. Perfect country for hiking, skiing, cycling, skating, canoeing and other outdoor adventures. Much of the popular imagery of Sweden, culturally and geographically, is from Dalarna; a pretty red-painted cottage, people in brightly-coloured folk costumes dance and swirl in celebration of Midsummer and -of course the Dala horse.

All very Swedish. All very Dalarna.


Annika Enmalm

Annika Enmalm

Press contact Press/PR officer Enquiries from journalists +46 (0)10-600 29 71

Karl-Filip Myrkrans

Press contact Head of marketing and communications Marketing related inquiries 010-600 29 18

Destination management organization

Visit Dalarna is the Regional Tourism Organization for Dalarna. Our mission is to develop, market and sell the region Dalarna nationally and internationally. We work with business development, Travel Trade, (digital) communication and PR.
We have knowledge of all accommodation, activities and attractions in Dalarna and work close to the region's tourism businesses.

Visit Dalarna AB

Vasagatan 6
795 30 Rättvik

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