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Topics: Economy, Finance

The charter for the establishment of Uppsala University issued by the Council of the Realm in Strängnäs at the beginning of July 1477, written in Swedish.  Photo: Kurt Eriksson, Swedish National Archives

Jubilee campaign promoting boundless knowledge

Uppsala University will celebrate 550 years 7 October 2027. Ahead of this occasion, a jubilee campaign is being launched today: “Boundless knowledge – since 1477”, whose aim is to further strengthen the University’s research. The goal is to raise SEK 1 billion by 2027, and the campaign is already halfway towards that goal. Today’s ceremony in the Grand Auditorium will highlight this year’s donors.

New EU rules toothless against tax avoidance by multinationals

New EU rules toothless against tax avoidance by multinationals

The EU and OECD have jointly developed rules to prevent companies from exploiting differences in national legislation for financial gain. According to a new thesis/study at Uppsala University, however, companies are able to circumvent the rules. “The losers are mainly developing countries that are not members of the EU or OECD," explains Autilia Arfwidsson, doctoral student in Law.

Introducing competition between schools involves a lot of work and major costs

After the introduction of the freedom to choose between upper secondary schools in Sweden 1992, it took nearly ten years for upper secondary school heads to start seeing themselves as competitors. Any analysis of change from a later perspective needs to bear in mind that a transition of this kind takes a good deal of organising, costs a lot of money and takes many years to become established.

The focus of financial reporting influences business cycles

Editorial choices can impact the amplitude of business cycles even if the information that is reported is correct. On reason is that the focus of the reports can be on sectors that are non-representative of the economy in general. A new study shows that financial reporting can explain up to 20 per cent of the business cycles for GDP and 40 per cent of the business cycles for unemployment.

The Leap Health Breakthrough Network, Wellcome Leap.

​Uppsala University Joins Wellcome Leap Global Network

Uppsala University has joined the Leap Health Breakthrough Network, a global group of 21 leading academic and research institutions committed to solving the world’s most serious health challenges — such as cancer and infectious diseases — at record speed. Wellcome Leap is a US-based non-profit organisation founded by the Wellcome Trust to accelerate innovations that benefit global health.

One in five residents overuses electricity at neighbours’ expense

Household electricity use falls by more than 30% when residents are obliged to pay for their own personal consumption. This is shown in a new study by researchers at Uppsala University’s and the Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS).

"The Nobel Prize in Economics” and society

In 1968, the scientific status of economics was strengthened by the creation of the “Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences”. In a new book, Uppsala researcher Gabriel Söderberg and Avner Offer at Oxford University draw the conclusion that the Economics Prize indirectly has also contributed to undermining the scientific status of economics.

Uppsala Health Summit publishes pre-conference report

For the upcoming Uppsala Health Summit on antibiotic resistance, 2–3 June, a report has now been published focusing on some of the most pressing issues and challenges. The aim of the meeting is to move the discussion forward, from the ‘what’ to the ‘who’ and ‘how’.

Press invitation: Uppsala Health Summit seeking smart solutions in ageing society

Get set for 3-4 June: Uppsala University and seven other Swedish actors, has invited politicians, opinion-makers and experts from healthcare, academia and companies to an unconditional and open dialogue on the ways forward in an ageing society. The goal of the Uppsala Health Summit is to move from knowledge to action.

Uppsala University - quality, knowledge, and creativity since 1477

Founded in 1477, Uppsala University is the oldest university in Sweden. With more than 50,000 students and 7,500 employees in Uppsala and Visby, we are a broad university with research in social sciences, humanities, technology, natural sciences, medicine and pharmacology. Our mission is to conduct education and research of the highest quality and relevance to society on a long-term basis. Uppsala University is regularly ranked among the world’s top universities.

Uppsala University

Dag Hammarskjölds väg 7
BOX 256, 751 05 Uppsala

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