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Uppsala Health Summit announces travel grants for journalists

Uppsala Health Summit will offer up to four travel grants to journalists to attend the summit 7 - 9 October themed Healthy Urban Childhoods at Uppsala Castle, Sweden. The grant is intended for journalists with a demonstrated interest in the area, and who otherwise would not have the possibility to attend due to unavailability of funds. Last day to apply is 3 May 2019.

The theme Healthy Urban Childhoods will focus its dialogues on the dilemmas developing from the need to accommodate growing urban populations, while at the same time ensure that cities grow in a socially and environmentally sustainable way. A city that is healthy for children is healthy for all. But the challenges to provide such urban areas are many.

Media plays an important role in driving change today, but too few journalists have the possibilities to build in-depth insights in complex societal challenges.

Uppsala Health Summit has therefore decided to offer up to four travel grants, amounting to approximately 10 000 SEK each (approx. 950 EUR), in order to enable journalists to attend this summit on global health and connect with experts and decision makers in the field.

Uppsala Health Summit is a yearly international arena for frank and challenging dialogue between 200 personally invited decision-makers, opinion builders and experts on how we can use knowledge from research and innovations for better health and healthcare globally. Each year the Summit focuses on one challenge to health and healthcare. Delegates come from policy making, healthcare, industry, civil society and academia.

Uppsala Health Summit’s overall goal is to enable change. Most global health challenges are complex both to understand and to act on. Reaching out to society with a nuanced understanding of the global health challenges, and with an awareness of its solutions and dilemmas, will contribute to a constructive policy discussion. Media plays an important role for how society understands global health threats as well as their solutions.

Uppsala Health Summit is an opportunity for journalists who want to meet with a variety of stakeholders with different perspectives on the problem in focus and with broad insights in the health policy agenda, to build solid knowledge base on specific health challenges.

Uppsala University coordinates Uppsala Health Summit, a collaborative effort between nine public or not-for-profit Swedish organisations.

The travel grant will be offered without any obligations to report from the Summit, and grantees will be selected by a committee with long-standing experience from science and media relations.

Information on how to apply is available on Uppsala Health Summit’s website

The partners behind Uppsala Health Summit are Uppsala University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala Region (incl. Uppsala University Hospital), the Medical Products Agency, the National Veterinary Agency, the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Uppsala Monitoring Centre - WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Monitoring, the City of Uppsala and its network World-class Uppsala.

For further information on the press grants, please contact Anneli Waara, Press officer, Uppsala University,



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