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"Corona. Two children fighting Corona" Children's drawing about COVID-19 pandemic

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"Corona. Two children fighting Corona" Children's drawing about COVID-19 pandemic

"Corona. Two children fighting Corona". A new study about children's drawing about COVID-19 pandemic
Swedish Archive of Children’s Art
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Swedish Archive of Children’s Art
Swedish Archive of Children’s Art
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1385 x 780, 195 KB




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"Corona. Two children fighting Corona". Child aged 5, about COVID-19 pandemic. © Swedish Archive of Children’s Art.

“You throw up, then you cough, then you feel better or die”

Detailed images of illness, death and cancelled activities; these were some of the common themes of children’s drawings during the COVID-19 pandemic. A new study from Uppsala University, in which researchers studied 91 drawings made by children aged between 4 and 6, shows that the pandemic affected the children significantly and that they had extensive knowledge about the disease.

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