Press release -

The Swedish Government and Business Community Demand a Free-Trade Agreement with the U.S.

"The seats quickly filled up and we are happy for the big interest for Swedish-American trade. USA is the fourth largest export market but despite close trade relations that date back many years more reforms are necessary to facilitate business. In addition, the Swedish businesses asks for knowledge and contacts in the U.S., something the 19 regional chambers are well equipped to handle," says Therese Lindé president for SACC-USA

The Swedish Minister of Trade, Ewa Björling started with a overview of the trade relations between Sweden and the U.S. and the goal to double Swedish exports by 2015. Thereafter the moderator,  recognized journalist Folke Rydén, asked questions for the distinguished panelist, existing of Jan-Eric Sundgren (Vice President Volvo Group), Lena Olving (Vice President SAAB), Kevin Lampe (Political Adviser at Kurth Lampe) and Per Strömbäck (Spokesperson Swedish Games Industry).

To summarize, the panelist wanted less barriers to trade in order to increase trade between the two countries and the Minister of Trade, Ewa Björling, demanded less talk and more action.

"Since 2009 I have pushed negotiations for a free-trade agreement between EU and the U.S. It has taken much longer time than what I expected, but I hope now that we can move forward and reach a result within the upcoming five years," comments Ewa Björling, Swedish Minister of Trade.

For more information contact Therese Lindé, President SACC-USA: or +1-301-979-5682

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  • u.s. trade
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  • swedish
  • minister of trade
  • trade relations
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  • almedalen

SACC-USA is the umbrella organization for 19 regional Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce across the United States. We serve more than 2,300 members in Sweden and the U.S., which makes us the second largest European Chamber of Commerce in the United States.

Our mission is to facilitate and support trade, commerce, and investment between the U.S. and Sweden. We help Swedish companies find the right partners in the USA – and vice versa. By using a wide network and contact generating tools and methods, we ensure that products, services and information are presented in the right way to the right people.

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