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Why the Right Time For the U.S. Market Is Now!

Considering the present Swedish business society’s interest in the U.S., the attempts from both Swedish and U.S. government to invest in trade, in connection with a positive outlook on the economic situation in both countries, we are convinced that now is the time to trade with the U.S., both on a short, and long term. Surveys show that the Swedish companies are very optimistic about the U.S. market and that the Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce (SACC) has the knowledge and network they ask for!

The United States is Europe’s biggest trade partner, and together they constitute the world’s most influential trade relationship. USA is and will remain the world’s biggest market considering their present growth rate, and the double trade goals from Sweden and U.S. government, along with the push from committees such as the Transatlantic Business Dialogue. It is however a diversified nation, and market, with varying business cultures and laws, and you can not underestimate the value of a local partner. Fortunately, the U.S. market has the far biggest Swedish volunteer organizations outside of Sweden, ready to provide local assistance, knowledge and connection, and the SACC network has 20 local chambers to assist our members.

Surveys Show Huge Interest
On May 3rd House of Sweden and SACC-USA hosted all the SACC regional chambers in the network to present the SACC 2.0 vision and to reunite the network for SACC Summit. At the request of SACC-USA, surveys had been done by SEB, of the major banks in Sweden, and Företagarna, to evaluate the interest of the U.S. market and how the SACC-USA network best can help. The results were very clear. In the survey made by Företagarna, their members, small and mid-sized businesses, state with big majority that they would like to export more to the United States. In the survey done by SEB, the respondents project that their business abroad will increase the most in the U.S. market.

What do they need?

According to the combined surveys, the Swedish companies want help to secure exchange rates, research tariffs, but above anything, they want more knowledge around the American regulatory system and market place as well as help with introductions into the right connections. 52 % of the respondents in the survey done by Företagarna state that they need more and better connections and 43 % call for better knowledge about the

How can SACC help?

The Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce know the budget and time limits of the small and mid-sized companies and work to facilitate companies outreach to the For example, we encourage our members to create partnerships by combining the product of the small company, with the muscles of the big corporations, and meet the customer together. The road to these kinds of partnership requires knowledge, and connections – both something that we provide.

SACC-USA provide the bridge to the U.S. whether you are a company on its way to export, or you are company with many years of export experience looking to expand your influence and position in the market.

Are you “Export Ready”? Take the test at >>>

Read more about the Minister of Free Trade >>>

See the results from the SEB survey >>>

See the results from the Företagarna survey >>>

Read more about the TABD here  >>>


Become a member of SACC-USA today and connect with our network >>>


  • Building, property


  • sacc
  • sacc-usa
  • sweden
  • swedish
  • swedish-american relations
  • government
  • företagarna
  • investment

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