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尼得科机床 成立后首次推出新产品「MVR-Cx」系列 大型机床事业发展扩大的第一弹



尼得科机床株式会社(社长:若林谦一 总公司:滋贺县栗东市)8月2日成为日本电产株式会社旗下之后,作为首个新产品的龙门五面加工中心“MVR-Cx系列”将投入市场并开始销售。本公司2026年3月期的销售目标为1000亿日元,大型机床将作为核心事业继续扩大发展。MVR-Cx系列被定位为新产品的第一弹,将于10月12日~15日,18日~20日在栗东工厂新设的大型机床展厅举行“新产品发布会”。

MVR-Cx系列适用于制罐构造物等一般大型零件加工,可以高效进行单一品种或多品种少批量生产且操作简单易行。标准搭载了新开发的操作支援功能“Nidec Navi”,大大缩短了从工作开始到完成出货的生产时间。操作上准备了丰富的原创画面,简化了单一产品和多品种少量生产所需的程序制作和调试,以及加工前被加工物的定芯等加工初期设定。通过指导功能实现程序制作的简易化操作之外,还准备了防止简易冲突的功能(opt.),以便于初次操作机器的用户使用,从而提高了操作性。另外,机器发生故障时,在操作画面上会出现3D指导说明,可以支援恢复前的每一个操作动作,还标准搭载了本公司独自的IoT平台“DIASCOPE”系统,从本公司的售后服务中心远程访问客户工厂的机器以随时掌握机器的状态,根据显示信息采取及时迅速的服务和支持。





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Nidec was established in Kyoto, Japan in 1973 by its Chairman Shigenobu Nagamori. In 1979, Nidec became the first company in the world to successfully commercialize a direct drive spindle motor for HDDs based on a brushless DC motor. Since then, the company has grown into a world-leading comprehensive motor manufacturer encompassing more than 300 subsidiaries employing over 100,000 people throughout the world and with annual sales exceeding $13B. Nidec's motors, drives, generators and related products are found in a diverse range of applications including computers, smartphones, home appliances, automobiles, manufacturing plants, robots and more.


Nao Maeda

Press contact Media Relations (China)

For Everything That Spins and Moves

​Nidec was established in Kyoto, Japan in 1973 by its Chairman Shigenobu Nagamori. In 1979, Nidec became the first company in the world to successfully commercialize a direct drive spindle motor for HDDs based on a brushless DC motor. Since then, the company has grown into a world-leading comprehensive motor manufacturer encompassing approximately 300 subsidiaries employing over 100,000 people throughout the world and with annual sales exceeding $10B. Nidec's motors, drives, generators and related products are found in a diverse range of applications including computers, smartphones, home appliances, automobiles, manufacturing plants, robots and more.


Nidec head office (Kyoto, Japan)
338 Kuzetonoshiro-cho, Minami-ku 601-8205 Kyoto