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Nidec Precision Corporation is selling motors on Amazon

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Nidec Precision Corporation is selling motors on Amazon

NIDEC PRECISION CORPORATION are selling some of our motors on Amazon.

Handling site : The United States and Japan

In order to make your purchases with confidence, we have established stores with registered Nidec brands on each Amazon site. You can view our motors for sale by category.

◆The US site store :

【Amazon’s NIDEC PRECISION site top screen】

<Information on pages for each category>

■FAN MOTOR ➡ Click here
■GEARED MOTOR ➡ Click here

We also introduce recommended and best-selling products. We look forward to your visit!

Regarding fan motors and geared motors including models sold on Amazon.
Please see below for the list of our products.
(There is also a link to Amazon on this page)

▶Fan motor・・・ English / Japanese

▶Geared motor・・・English / Japanese

*Click here to purchase on the Japanese site of Amazon




Kana Sato

Press contact PR Department +81 80-7998-4066

For Everything That Spins and Moves

​Nidec was established in Kyoto, Japan in 1973 by its Chairman Shigenobu Nagamori. In 1979, Nidec became the first company in the world to successfully commercialize a direct drive spindle motor for HDDs based on a brushless DC motor. Since then, the company has grown into a world-leading comprehensive motor manufacturer encompassing approximately 300 subsidiaries employing over 100,000 people throughout the world and with annual sales exceeding $10B. Nidec's motors, drives, generators and related products are found in a diverse range of applications including computers, smartphones, home appliances, automobiles, manufacturing plants, robots and more.


Nidec head office (Kyoto, Japan)
338 Kuzetonoshiro-cho, Minami-ku 601-8205 Kyoto