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Your Emotions Matter

Article by Tiffany J. Norwood

When we are on the verge of burnout or those times when our bed is more appealing than what’s outside of
it...where is that super special someone who will nudge us and say, “You got this!” or that will shout, “I believe in You!”

What about the one or more buddies that is there for you when that time comes to pop out of the house for happy hour or for some clean or dirty fun? All too often that person is “nowhere to be found” says some solopreneurs. ( dictionary defines solopreneur: One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise without the help of a partner: a solo entrepreneur). I will
admit that I am one of them, where I can “feel” the longing of someone nearby when some encouragement is in order. Luckily when a pick me up is needed, it is the laser focus that I have for having meaning and purpose in my life that gives me passion for my entrepreneurial endeavor that pulls me through those rough spots. For that I am very grateful. How about you? What challenges do you go though as a solopreneur?

Merriam dictionary quotes Annabel Acton, “And while there are huge benefits to being a solopreneur, there are also some downsides that come with it. Especially the isolation, lack of stimulation, accountability and push for perfection.” In another context, how about we compare this role of solopreneur to say…a marriage? What about when a spouse who is frustrated, who “feels” misunderstood, undervalued
and alone…due to marital issues? My hand goes up again because I remember feeling this way prior to the reversal of my contractual agreement.

Nevertheless, assuming this couple entered this covenant in which they would bring meaning and purpose to
one another and have come together to create a future filled with even more meaning and purpose. Hmmm…think about that for a moment, compared to the solopreneur who pushes through similar “feelings” of struggle in their business goals regardless of those said struggles.

Businesses and marriages both have meaning and a purpose (stick with me I’m going somewhere with all of this), so what goes terribly wrong in a marriage? In regards to our emotions, over time and through many trials we may develop those new (or old) “emotions” that creep in, you know, those emotions of lack of
trust, boredom and/or anger that may have been sparse in the beginning then becomes bigger and louder to our souls as time passes, and now what do we do?

What do we do and where would we go when those “feelings” of isolation, loss of accountability and a “I believe in you” is nowhere to be found? Some will say go to a trusted friend, minister, or to counseling etc. A lot of us have tried one or more of those avenues and unfortunately to no avail. Please allow me to share with you what I know is the best place to turn to…and that is “within.” I am living proof of this and I have found that every single struggle I could ever face, the answer lies in my own mind and heart and within whom I was
created. As a co-creator I simply choose to recognize my power and listen. Nothing or no one outside of myself are equipped to choose, console nor fix the desires of my own mind and heart. That is my sole
responsibility, that is, when I choose to do the work. This would start off by ripping that obligation out from under others and out from under all external resources.

Once that is understood and done, clarity strikes like lightning when we initially understand ourselves. This means that self-introspection is the prerequisite to creating the emotions that “feel” good to us, the joy, the gratitude, the satisfaction and the trust. The great thing about this is that we can then pour it all onto others. That said, how about we become solopreneurs of our own personal journey by focusing on our own internal
well-being, our own mind and heart, then see what can be accomplished thereafter? Going back to the question of where do we go when we are in need, because in most cases we sure can use some inspiration and motivation to help us focus on ourselves...allow me the supreme pleasure to introduce “Your Emotions

Your Emotions Matter online advice arena is a strong, safe and confidential community geared to unsilenced the silence, encouraging vulnerability of both men and women seeking to create dynamic relationships with others and within themselves. Our accountability partners serve strategic solutions to all questions and concerns, while spreading awareness around emotional intelligence, providing resources for personal growth
and effortless communication. Visit us at to learn more.

Tiffany J. Norwood
Founder & CEO of Your Emotions Matter, Emotional Intelligence Expert, Author,
Certified NLP Practitioner and Transformational Speaker

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Clarissa Burt

Clarissa Burt

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Intelligent Media for the Savvy

In the Limelight Media is multi-media platform comprised of video, a podcast, and a digital magazine dedicated to offering educational, empowering, and entertaining subject matter. With a laser focus on showcasing entrepreneurs, the ITL shows can be seen on ROKU, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Google Play, Sony, Tivo, DailyMotion, and many more. ITL podcasts are heard on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Pandora, Podbean, Spotify, Stitcher, and Inspired News Radio. The In the Limelight magazine is a quarterly digital publication.

Clarissa Burt

Cave Creek
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