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How to increase organic online traffic to your business and website [Part 3 of 3]

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How to increase organic online traffic to your business and website [Part 3 of 3]

In this third, and final, installment of how you can increase online traffic to your website, we will now take a closer look if there are any shortcuts to improve organic rankings, and how you can improve your own Organic Traffic. 

Is there a shortcut for better organic rankings?

Everyone loves shortcuts that actually work! Domain Rating and Domain Authority can be those shortcuts. Domain Rating (DR) shows the strength of a website’s backlink profile compared to the others on a 100-point scale. Meanwhile, Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine result pages (SERPs). Domain Authority scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to greater likelihood of ranking.

Domain Rating and Domain Authority can really help boost your organic traffic. However, it takes time to get a good DR and DA. You might think: then how are these shortcuts? Well, if you work with Mynewsdesk, they are!

Mynewsdesk has a DR of 89 and a DA of 91, which is extremely high. Publishing content on Mynewsdesk will give you the opportunity to rank for high competitive keywords that you wouldn’t be able to rank for with your own website. In other words, if you want to increase your organic visibility fast and increase your brand awareness, Mynewsdesk is a great option.

How to measure your Organic Traffic?

There are several ways of measuring organic traffic, and different tools will focus on different metrics. By using several sources to measure traffic, you can not only get an understanding of the volume of traffic, but also how that traffic engages with your website. That is why we will look deeper into three ways of measuring organic traffic; Google Analytics, Google Search Console and rank tracking. It may sound like a lot, but using all of these tools will give you a more holistic view of the data. That way, you will be able to make more informed decisions. Let’s get started!

Google Analytics

Use Google Analytics to track website activity and help identify user trends and patterns. One of the things that Google Analytics tracks is source, meaning you can look into organic traffic specifically. That way, you can look at activity such as session duration, pages per session, bounce rate and so forth, that is related solely to organic traffic. This helps you understand not only if your organic traffic has increased, but also if this traffic is qualitative, and what content they are interested in. The same goes for other traffic sources, of course.

Also, using Google Analytics, you can add, delete, and reorder the list of recognized search engines to adjust how organic search traffic is attributed in your account and how the data looks like in your reports. To make your data easy to understand, you can also visualize it with a dashboard either in Google Analytics, or using Google Data Studio.

Google Search Console

While Google Analytics focuses on website visitors, Google Search Console focuses on how search engines view your website. For example, are all pages being crawled? Are there any broken links or other errors? Is the website configured correctly for search engines? Google Search Console helps answering these questions, which means it first and foremost provides insights related to the performance of your website through organic search. These insights can be used to improve visibility in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Rank tracking

The practice of tracking where URLs rank on the SERPs for selected keywords is called rank tracking. This is done over time, to spot trends and see how SEO optimization impacts ranking. As keyword rankings is one of the most important KPIs for SEO, rank tracking is vital. With rank tracking, you can see:

  • Keywords that are used on your website
  • Keywords you necessarily don’t optimize for, but might want to start including
  • Keywords that your competitor rank for

Thereby, rank tracking helps you understand how well your website performs organically compared to competitors. To easily track rankings, using a rank tracker is the way to go. There are several options on the market – do some research to find out which one works the best for you.


There are several ways to increase organic traffic, and in the long run, you want to try to implement all of them. To get you started, ensure you have the basics in place. If your Domain Rating and Domain Authority is low (under 40), there is a possibility that you will not even be able to rank for your primary keywords. Therefore, to get both fast and long term SEO results, this is a high priority. That is why Mynewsdesk PR Platform is such a great choice to use as your publication tool, as Mynewsdesk has a DR of 89 and a DA of 91. This way, you can easily improve your SEO impact, with a low effort.

Intrigued? Read more on how our customer Minitool used our platform to improve SEO.

If you are interested to learn more, please email me at

René Ngadi
Newsroom & Media Contact Executive
Mobile: +46766078987

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René Ngadi

René Ngadi

Newsroom & Media Contact Executive +46766078987

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