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Close Up With Skin Care Expert Karen Johnson

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Close Up With Skin Care Expert Karen Johnson

Article by Lynda Samuels

From the minute we met in Newport Beach, California, I knew this was an extraordinary woman. Karen Johnson’s passion for genetic anti-aging as an aesthetic was compelling. She knows how to address “youth preservation” intrinsically, with advanced nutraceuticals. I was intrigued by the science behind the technologies she recommended for my husband and me, and it was apparent this is a woman who is committed to improving the quality of people’s lives. I’m proud to introduce to you Karen Johnson.

Samuels: How did you become involved in the field of genetic anti-aging?

Johnson: It’s literally in my DNA. I come from a medical family. My parents, my sisters, and numerous aunts and uncles are physicians and healthcare professionals. I came out to Southern California in 1987 with 3M Diagnostics, calling on all the immunologists in Southern California and Nevada. I realized early on I would rather work in the arena of prevention than to wait until the miracle machine was broken down and try to find a way to medicate or cut it out.

Samuels: What happened next for you?

Johnson: In 1990, I met the founders of a company that would become one of the earliest entrées into the field of anti-aging, before it was a household word. They declared they would lead the skincare industry into new frontiers. Their goal would be to pioneer, develop, validate, substantiate, and patent breakthrough technologies that would allow everyone to live their most vibrant, healthy, and beautiful lives.

Samuels: What was the catalyst that led you to align with these visionaries?

Johnson: I was mesmerized by what I heard. However, I’m a born skeptic. It took extensive research for me to believe their claims. Once I had done my homework, I was on fire to spread the news of those earliest advancements. I now have a business in 20 countries!

Samuels: Can you describe for us the beauty industry as you see it?

Johnson: First of all, let’s talk about the marketing hype we, as women, are subjected to. In pursuit of looking our best, we buy products promising the world! Who doesn’t have a drawer full of failures?

However, if you look beneath the covers of 95 percent of the competitors in skincare and nutrition, you will find that they virtually do zero original product research and development. They license someone else’s discoveries and spend all their money on advertising, branding, and celebrity endorsement—not on advancing science and efficacy. We customers end up paying the price in failed expectations and money spent.

Samuels: Would you please describe the term genetic anti-aging?

Johnson: There is a singular team of nearly 100 scientists from 13 different disciplines that have gone beyond anything that exists anywhere else. They have developed and patented the ability to regulate genetic expression and to literally attack aging at its source.

Samuels: Please put that in layman’s terms.

Johnson: Think of a dimmer switch for the chandelier over the dining room table. Turn it to the right and the light gets brighter. Turn it to the left and the light gets dimmer. These brilliant scientists have discovered the ability to turn up the production of collagen and elastin at the genetic level. It’s revolutionary.

Samuels: What do you mean by addressing aging from the inside out?

Johnson: The science of genetic expression is now being applied to tissue and organ-specific, targeted nutritional supplements. Imagine a product that is clinically proven to reset over 1,000 genes that control aging in all five major systems in the body. It exists. It’s here today, and it’s not science fiction.

To reach Karen and learn more about the fascinating products she offers, and her team of colleagues around the world, call or text 310-245-2020, or visit her website: 

Lynda Samuels is executive director of Classic Universe Pageants. Find information about the Mrs. Universe pageant here:

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Clarissa Burt

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Clarissa Burt

Cave Creek
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