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Red Dot marks the spot - Umeå Institute of Design top ranked again

Umeå Institute of Design has done it again! For the second time in a row UID is placed first on the prestigious Red Dot Institute’s ranking which is based on the school’s achievements over the past five years. The competitors are schools in Europe, North and South America.

- UID has a unique atmosphere with very talented students and teachers from all corners of the world. We all share a vision of pushing the boundaries of industrial design and we are very proud of the ideas that are developed at our school, says rector Anna Valtonen.

With small student groups, the latest technology, and a student body from 31 countries the students learn not only from the in-house teachers and the tutors from the design profession, but also from each other. The “Umeå factor” is perhaps based in the school’s smallness and open atmosphere. Most of the projects are carried out in close collaboration with companies or organisations and therefore the students are well prepared for the world awaiting for them. The students are sought after when they graduate, and the UID network of alumni stretches far and wide.

From a total of 4.394 entries from 57 countries, submitted to 24 different categories, Malin Grummas and Kim Risager, both alumni from Umeå Institute of Design’s Master Programme in Advanced Product Design were each acknowledged with an award in Red Dot’s Design Concept category.

Malin Grummas is rewarded for her thesis work AirBorn, a seat for infants flying in commercial aircrafts. AirBorn proposes a solution that increases the comfort and safety for both parent and child. The model reminds of a car seat and can be used on the seat or mounted on the wall in front of the child's parent. It also includes a safe and easy alternative to a lifejacket.

Kim Risager received his award for his concept Urban Composter which enables households to easily manage and monitor their food waste by composting indoors at home. The idea is based on the fact that we, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, throw away about 70 kg of food per person each year. By controlling the carbon-nitrogen ratio and providing adequate aeration and moisture, greenhouse gas emissions can be minimized. This was his second Red Dot award since he won one last year for his mining helmet concept Hyperion.

- The fact that our students have won 12 Red Dot awards over the past five years, is a strong indication that our focus on human-centred-design and our core conviction that industrial design has the power to create the solutions to the challenges the future, are both relevant and successful, says Thomas Degn, Programme Director of the Advanced Product Design Programme.

Visit Red Dot Institute's on-line exhibition of the winning concepts.

More about the Red Dot Institute ranking and UID winning concepts

High resolution photo: Malin Grummas concept

High resolution photo: Kim Risager's concept

More about the Master's programme in Advanced Product Design

Designhögskolans vinnare i Red Dot 2009–2012:

2012: Individuellt arbete: Carlos Arturo Torres, Dawid Dawod, Kim Risager. Grupparbete: Natalie Vanns, Maxime Dubreucq, Shivanjali Tomar, Doris Feurstein.
2011: Cenk Aytekin.
2010: John Ju Seok Lee, Anna-Karin Bergkvist
2009: Fransisco Lindoro, Patrik Pettersson

Contact Information:

Anna Valtonen, Rector at Umeå Institute of Design
phone: +46 90 786 53 53, email:

Thomas Degn, Programme Director- Master Programme in Advanced Product Design at Umeå Institute of Design phone: + 46 90- 786 77 41, email:


Umeå University
Umeå University is one of Sweden's largest institutions of higher learning with over 34,000 students and 4,200 employees. We have a well-established international research profile and a broad range of study options. Our campus constitutes an inspiring environment that encourages interdisciplinary meetings - between students, researchers, teachers and external stakeholders. Through collaboration with other members of society, we contribute to the development and strengthen the quality of our research and education.


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Marie Oskarsson

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Umeå University

Umeå University is one of Sweden's largest universities with over 37,000 students and 4,300 employees. The university is home to a wide range of education programmes and world-class research in a number of fields. Umeå University was also where the gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 was discovered – a revolution in gene-technology that was awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Founded in 1965, Umeå University is characterised by tradition and stability as well as innovation and change. Education and research on a high international level contributes to new knowledge of global importance, inspired, among other things, by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The university houses creative and innovative people that take on societal challenges. Through long-term collaboration with organisations, trade and industry, and other universities, Umeå University continues to develop northern Sweden as a knowledge region.

The international atmosphere at the university and its unified campus encourages academic meetings, an exchange of ideas and interdisciplinary co-operation. The cohesive environment enables a strong sense of community and a dynamic and open culture in which students and staff rejoice in the success of others.

Campus Umeå and Umeå Arts Campus are only a stone's throw away from Umeå town centre and are situated next to one of Sweden's largest and most well-renowned university hospitals. The university also has campuses in the neighbouring towns Skellefteå and Örnsköldsvik.

At Umeå University, you will also find the highly-ranked Umeå Institute of Design, the environmentally certified Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics and the only architectural school with an artistic orientation – Umeå School of Architecture. The university also hosts a contemporary art museum Bildmuseet and Umeå's science centre – Curiosum. Umeå University is one of Sweden's five national sports universities and hosts an internationally recognised Arctic Research Centre.