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Francesco Jodice / Spectaculum Spectatoris

With Spectaculum Spectatoris Francesco Jodice creates a visual archive of that part of humanity that bring life to art in museums worldwide. From Friday, November 16 his video portrait of visitors to Bildmuseet will be on display in the museum and projected on the windows.

Welcome to the press preview on Thursday 15 November at 10:00. Francesco Jodice will be present. Already on Tuesday 13 November at 18:30, Jodice presents a public lecture at Bildmuseet about his work. Welcome also to the opening on Friday November 16 at 17:00, in the presence of the artist. Following the inauguration of Spectaculum Spectatoris, Bildmuseet stays open until 19:00.

Francesco Jodice initiated the series Spectaculum Spectatoris by filming visitors at Museo del Prado in Madrid where work premiered in the autumn 2011. In May 2012, when new Bildmuseet opened, Jodice were present to add material to his archive. His goal is to keep documenting museum visitors worldwide.

Spectaculum Spectatoris consists of hundreds of video portraits in 1:1 scale composed as a video installation. As of Friday November 16, the video portraits of Bildmuseet’s visitors will be projected on the large windows of the museum and in an exhibition on the 4th floor. The opening ceremony takes place in conjunction to Umeå festival of lights. November 16-18 the works will also be shown at the Glass House on Town Hall Square.

Francesco Jodice (b. 1967) lives and works in Milan. His activities encompass architecture, photography and video. His work explores the involvement and location of the human being within the urban space. Jodice was one of the founding members of the collective Multiplicity and his work has been exhibited worldwide, including at Documenta (2001); La Biennale di Venezia (2003); Liverpool Biennial (2004); MUSAC, Leon (2005); ICP Triennial of Photography and Video, New York (2007); Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (2007); São Paulo Art Biennial (2006); Tate Modern, London (2006); MAMbo, Bologna (2010); Museo del Prado, Madrid ( 2011); Queensland Art Gallery, Australia (2012). Jodice is professor of Urban Visual Anthropology and Photography at NABA in Milan.

For further information, please contact

Cecilia Andersson, curator Bildmuseet
090-786 6684, 072-223 8671

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Bildmuseet, Umeå University

Bildmuseet, Umeå University, is a public institution for contemporary art and visual culture. We exhibit and engage with international contemporary art, design and architecture. In conjunction with our exhibitions program we also arrange lectures, screenings, concerts, performances and workshops. Ethics and aesthetics, the global and the local, creativity, society and human living conditions are central to Bildmuseet’s programme. Over the years, the museum has established itself as a leading venue for contemporary art in Sweden.

Umeå University is one of Sweden's largest institutions of higher learning with over 36,000 students and 4,200 employees. We have a well-established international research profile and a broad range of study options. Our campus constitutes an inspiring environment that encourages interdisciplinary meetings - between students, researchers, teachers and external stakeholders. Through collaboration with other members of society, we contribute to the development and strengthen the quality of our research and education.


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Umeå University

Umeå University is one of Sweden's largest universities with over 37,000 students and 4,300 employees. The university is home to a wide range of education programmes and world-class research in a number of fields. Umeå University was also where the gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 was discovered – a revolution in gene-technology that was awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Founded in 1965, Umeå University is characterised by tradition and stability as well as innovation and change. Education and research on a high international level contributes to new knowledge of global importance, inspired, among other things, by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The university houses creative and innovative people that take on societal challenges. Through long-term collaboration with organisations, trade and industry, and other universities, Umeå University continues to develop northern Sweden as a knowledge region.

The international atmosphere at the university and its unified campus encourages academic meetings, an exchange of ideas and interdisciplinary co-operation. The cohesive environment enables a strong sense of community and a dynamic and open culture in which students and staff rejoice in the success of others.

Campus Umeå and Umeå Arts Campus are only a stone's throw away from Umeå town centre and are situated next to one of Sweden's largest and most well-renowned university hospitals. The university also has campuses in the neighbouring towns Skellefteå and Örnsköldsvik.

At Umeå University, you will also find the highly-ranked Umeå Institute of Design, the environmentally certified Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics and the only architectural school with an artistic orientation – Umeå School of Architecture. The university also hosts a contemporary art museum Bildmuseet and Umeå's science centre – Curiosum. Umeå University is one of Sweden's five national sports universities and hosts an internationally recognised Arctic Research Centre.