Press release -

Galeri Caernarfon Cyf Awarded Wales Social Enterprise Of The Year 2013 / Galeri Caernarfon Cyf Yn Cipio Gwobr Menter Gymdeithasol Y Flwyddyn Cymru 2013

Last Tuesday [15 October] at a ceremony in Cardiff, Caernarfon based social enterprise Galeri Caernarfon Cyf were awarded the prize of Wales’ Social Enterprise of the Year for 2013.

Now in their fourth year, the Social Enterprise Wales Awards are promoted by the Wales Co-operative Centre to raise the profile of social enterprises in Wales and to recognise the achievements of the innovative and committed businesses and individuals that drive the industry.

Having established in 1992 as Cwmni Tref Caernarfon – the company has worked hard to improve the image of Caernarfon town centre by purchasing derelict buildings (shops, offices and housing) within the walled town. The Trust has refurbished and re-developed over 20 previously vacant and run down properties in Caernarfon, and invested over £2m in these properties alone in its 21 year history. The development of the £7.5m 'Galeri Creative Enterprise Centre' has been the largest and most ambitious of the Trust’s projects to date. Galeri opened in 2005, and in its short lifetime – the centre is renowned across Wales for its work and artistic programme/vision. The trust also runs a successful Arts Project called SBARC!, which provides a range of classes in performance and rock music for children and young people with over 200 children attending these classes.

Speaking after receiving the award, Gwyn Roberts, Galeri Caernarfon Cyf’s Chief Executive commented:
“We are extremely pleased to accept this award. Winning the title Social Enterprise of the Year is testimony to the praiseworthy commitment of our staff and Board as well as to the help we have received from organisations such as Wales Co-operative Centre and DTA Wales both of which we are proud to be associated with".

Wales Co-operative Centre Chief Executive Derek Walker state: “Congratulations to Galeri Caernarfon Cyf - a deserving winner of the Social Enterprise of the Year Award. The quality of nominations we received for the awards this year demonstrated not only the breadth and versatility of the sector but the importance the sector has to the economy of Wales. Galeri was recognised for its innovative approach to generating employment and business growth in Caernarfon. It is a shining example of the difference a social enterprise can make to a community and the impact it can make on jobs and growth in a local economy”.

Galeri Caernarfon Cyf will now represent Wales in the UK Finals at a ceremony in London next month. For further information about the company, visit

The Social Enterprise Support Project is tasked with promoting and developing social enterprise in Wales. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Welsh Government.



Nos Fawrth diwethad [15 Hydref] mewn seremoni yng Nghaedydd, bu’r menter gymdeithasol o Gaernarfon - Galeri Caernarfon Cyf yn fuddigol yng nghategori Menter Gymdeithasol y Flwyddyn 2013.

Mae Gwobrau Mentrau Cymdeithasol Cymru bellach yn ei phedwaredd blwyddyn, sydd yn gyfle i fentrau cymdeithasol amrywiol ar draws Cymru i godi ymwybyddiaeth a’u proffil ac i gydnabod pwysigrwydd y cwmnïau o fewn y trydydd sector a’r diwydiant yng Nghymru yn gyffredinol.

Ers sefydlu y cwmni ym 1992 [Cwmni Tref Caernarfon gynt], mae’r cwmni wedi ymgymryd â’r dasg o drawsnewid, ailwampio ac adfywio rhai o adeiladau gwag tref Caernarfon [siopau, swyddfeydd, unedau preswyl]. Hyd yma, mae’r Cwmni wedi adnewyddu dros ugain o adeiladau gwag wedi eu hesgeuluso yn y dref gan wario dros £2 miliwn ar y gwaith. Datblygiad Canolfan Mentrau Creadigol Galeri yw’r prosiect mwyaf a mwyaf uchelgeisiol gan Galeri Caernarfon Cyf. Adnabyddir canolfan Galeri ar draws Cymru am y rhaglen artistig a’r weledigaeth sydd gan y cwmni. O fewn muriau Galeri hefyd mae cartref prosiect celf y cwmni – SBARC! sydd yn denu dros 200 o blant a phobl ifanc yn wythnosol am wersi drama ac ysgol roc.

Yn dilyn y seremoni, dywedodd Prif Weithredwr Galeri Caernarfon Cyf, Gwyn Roberts: "Rydym yn hynod o falch derbyn y wobr yma. Mae ennill teitl Menter Cymdeithasol y flwyddyn yn dystiolaeth i ymroddiad clodwy ein staff a'n Bwrdd yn ogystal a'r help rydym wedi ei dderbyn gan fudiadau fel Mudiad Cydweithredol Cymru a Chymdeithas Ymddiriedolaethau Datblygu Cymru ymysyg eraill. Rydym yn falch o fod yn gysylltiedig gyda’r ddau gorff.”

Ychwanegodd Prif Weithredwr Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru, Derek Walker: “Hoffwn longyfarch Galeri Caernarfon Cyf – cwmni sydd yn llawn haeddu y wobr eleni. Roedd safon y gystadleuaeth yn profi i ni fel trefnwyr y gymysgedd sydd yno o gwmnïau ar hyd a lled Cymru sydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr er gwell i’r economi yng Nghymru. Mae Galeri Caernarfon yn esiampl o gwmni sydd wedi mabwysiadu dull o weithio arloesol er mwyn creu swyddi, cyfleoedd ac adywio a datblygu tref Caernarfon a’i thalgylch. Dyma brawf o wahaniaeth positif gall menter gymdeithasol wneud yn lleol sydd yn creu swyddi a datblygu’r economi.”

Budd Galeri Caernarfon Cyf yn cynrychioli Cymru yn rownd derfynol Prydain mewn seremoni yn Llundain fis nesaf. Am fwy o fanylion am y cwmni, ewch i

Mae'r prosiect Cymorth i Fentrau Cymdeithasol, â’r dasg o hyrwyddo a datblygu mentrau cymdeithasol yng Nghymru. Ariannir y prosiect gan y Gronfa Datblygu Ranbarthol Ewrop a Llywodraeth Cymru.


  • Economy, Finance


  • galeri
  • wales cooperative centre
  • wales
  • social enterprise
  • business


  • Wales

Wales Co-operative Centre

The Wales Co-operative Centre was set up thirty years ago and ever since has been helping businesses grow, people to find work and communities to tackle the issues that matter to them. Its advisors work co-operatively across Wales, providing expert, flexible and reliable support to develop sustainable businesses and strong, inclusive communities.


David Madge

Press contact Marketing, Press & Public Affairs Officer Press and Public Affairs. Marketing (primarily Succession and Consortia Project). 01792484005

Catherine Evans

Press contact Marketing Manager Overall responsibility for marketing and communications at the Wales Co-operative Centre 01443 743943

Mark Smith

Press contact Marketing Officer Social Media, Case Studies and Communities 2.0 029 2055 6163

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