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Strength and Conditioning Tests for BJJ

Test your fitness for BJJ with this complete set of field tests put together by Asaf Sitbon (M. Sc.) and under the direction of the UKBJJA Strength and Conditioning Team. This is free for anyone to use to test their fitness and improve their Strength and Conditioning regime. Follow the link to the document at the bottom of this page or click here.

The field test battery is especially tailored for fighters.All tests are reliable and valid. Attached to each test you will find a normative data table which summarises a large amount of normative data put together by our experts.

The tests should be performed in the order in which they appear and should be repeated every 3 months in order to observe self-improvement and improvement in relation to the norms. 

We really want to hear from you so please do the tests, record your results and send them through to the team at When you do give us your:






We will also be inviting some of the top fighters in each belt and age category to work with our Strength and Conditioning Department on a one-on-one basis to conduct field research on the best preparation for BJJ fighters.

Please send queries to the team at


  • Sport


  • fitness
  • conditioning
  • strength
  • ukbjja


Mike Williams

Press contact CEO, UKBJJA Press, News, Media 07748620235