Blog post -

#Simonsays...It's time for hill training.

"Today, hill training! After weeks cycling along Suffolk lanes, past golden barley fields, feeling all is well in my little world, a harsh reality has dawned.

"I am too slow up the hills. I can keep pace with other cyclists but when a hill looms ahead, the others zoom ahead. 

"So, action is needed. Find a hill, cycle up it, turn around, freewheel down and cycle up again. And again. And again. You get the idea. Not many 70 year olds do this sort of thing, but there you go...And, best of all, I really enjoyed it!

"It's now just over three weeks to go until Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 and I'm so pleased to have raised £1,375 for The Sick Children's Trust. Thank you to everyone for their continued support.

"Now, time for some more hills..."


  • fundraising
  • great ormond street hospital
  • challenge
  • cycling
  • guilford street house


Amy Melody

Press contact PR Officer 020 7011 9366

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