Press release -

Are you Experienced?

Experience “an event or occurrence which leaves an impression on someone”

2019 is the year of experience, we believe it will be the year that the high street realises on mass that more needs to be done, that their guests & customers need to feel more.

Everyone remembers their favourite teacher, their favourite experience as a child …why is this ?

It’s because it's meaningful and lives in our mental shelf space, everyone who starts a business has a passion, they want to achieve something, do you remember why you started your business?

We want to be the event you remember, the one where you learnt something, the one where the speakers spoke their minds and were authentic and the one where you had fun.

On the 20th March 2019 some of the most engaging speakers from some of the most amazing businesses in Hospitality will be sharing their thoughts & ideas on what it takes to Wow! their guests & how you can do the same.

Tahola are delighted to be lead Partner at Experience 101's 'Are you experienced?' event and we believe that Experience is Everything.….Do you?

Join us on March 20th......Flight Club, We are Spectacular, Hard Rock Cafe....and this space.

Sign up today

For further details please contact:

Leigh Baillie

Marketing and Communications Director

Tahola Ltd

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  • Building, property


  • customer experience
  • hospitality events
  • tahola

TaholaCloud for Hospitality is a pre-built analytics-as-a-service application with dashboards 'designed by operators for operators', combining multiple data sources to deliver insight and ROI through intuitive and user friendly dashboards. It provides you with the ability to monitor and control your business on any device in any location, enabling you to track KPIs and drill down to transaction level detail, ensuring the information you need to do that, is at your fingertips and up to date any time of day or night.

By bringing in data from multiple sources, TaholaCloud ensures greater clarity through collaboration, making your lives as operators easier. Complex data integration can appear daunting, but our experience makes it easy. Any new data source can be added as and when it is required, through a seamless process with minimal impact on the business. TaholaCloud is so intuitive and really is easy to use. In no time at all it will become an integral part of your daily routine and decision making just would'nt be the same without it.

TaholaCloud gives everyone in your organisation the power to make discoveries in your data - delivering instant value, growth and profitability, that will launch your business intro the future, TODAY.

One small step for you, one giant leap for your business........

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