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Team Tahola 2018 - Cycling for Bloodwise

I had the idea that as a company we should take on some activities that would challenge us and bring us closer together as a team, but whereby we could also try and give something back by way of fundraising for a charity.

Bloodwise is a charity that is close to our hearts for many reasons and so after suggesting the idea to my colleagues, they agreed to support me and rose to the challenge.

We initially decided that we would ride London to Paris for Bloodwise. For four days in September 2018 we get to look and feel like a pro-rider. Having done this event in 2015 and 2016, I know that there’s no other event like it as you ride as part of a peloton with rolling road closures, technical and physio back up teams and a dramatic and always emotional Arc de Triomphe finale.

From the rolling hills of Kent to the plains of Normandy; from the streets of London Town to the Champs-Élysées, this is truly an unforgettable, life-changing experience. Riding with hundreds of fellow bike enthusiasts, led by experienced ride captains for four days through beautiful countryside, cheered on by street-side supporters and flanked by motorcycle outriders. This is the ultimate cycling experience.

However, I thought that we could go one step further and add some other cycling challenges into the mix. The thinking behind this was, that if the organisations and people that we were planning to appeal to for support and sponsorship saw that we were taking on not one, but three cycling challenges, where we will individually be cycling more than 1000km (with many, many more km in training rides and turbo sessions), they may be inclined to dig a little deeper and help us exceed the £10,000 fundraising target that we have set for ourselves.

So after speaking with the event organisers at Bloodwise we decided to include London Revolution and Ride London 100 to make the Tahola Triple Challenge.

London Revolution is a two day cycle challenge taking place on the 12th and 13th May 2018, where we will join over 2,500 riders to ride 300km, we will pedal through the heart of the city past iconic sights like Tower Bridge, then up the pace and fill our lungs as we take on the stunning North Downs, the historic Thames Valley and the unrelenting Chilterns with testing climbs, leafy lanes and sweeping descents.

Then on the 29th July 2018 we will take part in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100, which starts in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, then follows a 100-mile route on closed roads through the capital and into Surrey’s stunning countryside.

With leg-testing climbs and a route made famous by the world’s best cyclists at the London 2012 Olympics, it's a truly spectacular event, we will finish on The Mall in central London, shortly before 150 professional cyclists race in the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey Classic on a similar route.

So that's the Tahola Triple Challenge, we want to help make a difference, to stop people dying from blood cancer, to make patients lives better, and to stop blood cancer happening in the first place.....will you help us make a difference in the fight against blood cancer?

To find out more about our journey subscribe to our blog and help us raise awareness and support our efforts as we cycle to beat blood cancer.

If you would like to find out more about how you can support or sponsor Team Tahola please visit our JustGiving page or contact me to find out more about sponsorship opportunities for your organisation.

Leigh Baillie

Marketing Director

Tahola Ltd

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  • Building, property


  • tahola
  • blood cancer
  • cycling
  • bloodwise

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