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2018 BI Trends Webinar

We’re saving a spot for you

It can be hard to keep up with the rapidly changing BI landscape. But it doesn't have to be. Reserve your spot at Qlik's annual BI Trends Webinar.

In this global webinar, Qlik reveal the top BI Trends for the coming year and how they can help you transform your data. 

Tahola invites you to join Qlik's Global Market Intelligence Lead and former Gartner Analyst, Dan Sommer to learn what the top BI Trends for 2018 will be.

Recent events like the Equifax data leak and new regulations like the EU's General Data Protection Regulation have increased the urgency for further change in the BI landscape and to move data out of silos.

  • What is the right strategy and framework?
  • How can you easily move from "all data," to "combinations of data," to "data insights"?
  • Can data literacy and augmented intelligence create a data-driven culture?

The volume of data available to decision makers continues to be massive, and is growing faster than our ability to consume it. Learn how to move your data out of silos and turn your data into insights.

Speaker: Dan Sommer

Senior Director, Market Intelligence Lead at Qlik 

Dan is the global lead for Qlik’s Market Intelligence Program responsible for the supply, demand, macro and micro picture. With more than 15 years’ experience in the IT industry, Dan has previously held the positions of Research Director, Agenda Manager and Global Lead for BI and Analytics Markets at IT research and advisory company Gartner. During the ten years he spent as an analyst at Gartner, he specialized in markets, trends, competitive landscape evaluations and go-to-market strategies. Dan also managed, chaired and keynoted the 2015 Gartner BI Summit event in London.

Register Now or for further information please contact:

Leigh Baillie

Marketing Director

Tahola Ltd


  • Building, property


  • analytics
  • big data

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