Blog post -

One down, two to go.......

So this weekend Team Tahola completed the 'Dulux Trade London Revolution'. Cycling 102 miles on day 1 through the busy streets of London, followed by a night of camping in the rain.

Day 2 saw us take on the rather challenging Chiltern hills with the route taking us back to where we started at Lee Valley Stadium a mere 87 miles later.

Great weekend for an amazing charity and our team spirit really did get us through it, plenty of banter along the way, which seemed to make the challenging weather conditions and tough miles somehow seem bearable. Click here to view our London Revolution photo gallery

I think I can speak on behalf of the team and say, that we all have memories from last weekend that will stay with us for quite some time and look forward to cycling as part of a team for Bloodwise again in a few months, when we will take on Ride London. 

A huge thank you to all our sponsors and everyone that has kindly donated so far, you have helped us to reach over 50% of our target and we have now raised almost £7,500.

We had a very brief photo opportunity stop on Day 2 at 'Brookmans' in Brookmans Park owned by Peach, one of our very kind sponsors -

Please do keep supporting us in whatever way you can via: Team Tahola - JustGiving

Thank you


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'Donate now for your chance to win a holiday - Team Tahola raising money for Bloodwise’

In addition to our cycling efforts this year Team Tahola are also raising money for Bloodwise in a number of other ways.

Donation entries are priced at £10 (all money received will go directly to Bloodwise). All you need to do is donate £10 via this JustGiving page and then make sure you tick the box at the end of the donation process next to your name. This means that JustGiving can sh