Press release -

​Proposal to the General Synod: SEK 75 million for work with refugees

Abroad the Church of Sweden works for refugees through, for example, ACT Alliance, shown on the photo receiving refugees in Hungary. Photo: Illés Ádámkó /HIA/ACT.

The General Synod’s budget committee is taking the initiative to propose that the Church of Sweden earmarks extra funds of SEK 75 million, in addition to the cost framework, for work with refugees and asylum seekers both in Sweden and abroad in 2016. The decision will be made by the General Synod in November.

One of the special priorities of the Central Board of the Church of Sweden for 2016–2018 is to strengthen the Church’s work with asylum seekers and refugees in Sweden. The number of refugees around the world is now at its highest level since the Second World War. The increased number of asylum seekers in Sweden means that migration, refugee and integration issues have developed into central areas of activity.

In its report, the committee describes how the situation has worsened further since the Central Board of the Church of Sweden's prioritisation decision was made and that additional resources are needed for these activities. This is also emphasised in several motions to the General Synod.

Due to the major needs in the work with refugees and asylum seekers, the committee therefore proposes an extra allocation of SEK 75 million to be at the disposal of the Church Board in this work. These funds can be used for work both in Sweden and abroad.

“As a Church we are supported by the conviction that all people are created in God’s image, and want to stand up, in words and actions, for the equal value of all human beings,” says Karin Perers, Chair of the General Synod.

“It places prescriptive expectations on how we, who are alive now, manage present flows of refugees – and prevent new reasons for people to become refugees. Our Church is also an active part of the worldwide church, which reaches fellow humans in need – even across closed borders.”

The budget committee assumes that dioceses and parishes will simply, quickly and transparently be able to gain access to funds based on needs and in special initiatives, for the work in Sweden. The committee also believes that there will very likely be a need for further work in coming years so that the Church of Sweden will be able to work responsibly and with a long-term approach. The committee therefore urges the Central Board of the Church of Sweden to ensure the long-term management of these issues, within the framework of planning and budgeting for 2017–2019.

Karin Perers, Chair of the General Synod, phone +46 70 56 808 30, e-mail:


  • Human Rights


  • church of sweden
  • refugees
  • extra fund
  • central board
  • asylum seekers


Ewa Almqvist

Press contact Press secretary +46-18-16 96 77

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