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Mark in training for his Solent swim. Photo by Luca Ryan.
Mark in training for his Solent swim. Photo by Luca Ryan.

Press release -

Winchester writer tackles daunting double to support Stroke Association

A 60-year-old Winchester man is attempting a unique double challenge on land and sea to raise money for the Stroke Association.

Mark Ryan will attempt to swim from the mainland to the Isle of Wight.

Then after a day's rest he will hike the 26 miles between Salisbury and Winchester along the Clarendon Way.

It would be a formidable fundraising challenge even for someone still in their physical prime.

But Mark, a freelance writer, believes it is possible at his age with the right sort of motivation. And he isn't short of that commodity.

Mark has seen for himself the devastation strokes can cause and wants to do his bit to help the charity fund research into preventing and treating the effects of stroke.

He explained: 'When I was much younger, I moved in to help a neighbour who had seen his life turned upside down by a stroke. His wife had left him as a result of his misfortune because she couldn't face the caring role, and he could no longer speak. This was someone who had been the life and soul of the party a few weeks earlier. I never forgot that.

'More recently, I have seen a Winchester friend Keith Tasker bravely begin his rehabilitation after a stroke and I have found his positive attitude totally inspirational. He knows what I am trying to do for the cause and he is right behind me.'

The "Hampshire Double" idea came spontaneously and started out as a something of a joke.

Mark said: 'I was talking to an old rugby teammate and we were kicking around a few ideas to attract some sponsorship. Swimming to the Isle of Wight was one idea. Walking from Salisbury to Winchester was another. But on their own, both those challenges had been done before.

'Then it came to me. "Why don't I attempt both on the same weekend? Has anyone over 60 ever done that?"

Mark’s swim will take him from Hurst Point to Colwell Bay. “It’s only 1.3 miles which doesn’t sound that much but The Solent is quite a dangerous stretch of water and the tides are particularly a problem. I have some ex-military friends in support, just in case.

“My partner Kate has been helping me prepare for the walk, geeing me up as we walk the hills around Winchester.

'I think a lot of people my age start to fear having a stroke worse than we fear death itself. It's that idea of being left incapacitated that is so worrying.

'It could happen to any of us, so please help me try to do something about it by helping fund research and also to help finance care for those who suffer the devastation of strokes. You can come back from them. But it takes time and money to make a recovery work.'

If you wish to donate to Mark's Hampshire Double Fundraiser, please go to

Rebecca Miskin, relationship fundraiser at the Stroke Association, said: ““Every five minutes, stroke destroys lives and it can strike anyone – young, old and anyone in between. The Stroke Association is here to fund research and support people to rebuild their lives after stroke, but this is only possible with the efforts of our amazing supporters such as Mark and we’re hugely grateful to him.”



  • Stroke strikes every five minutes in the UK and it changes lives in an instant.
  • The Stroke Association is a charity working across the UK to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe that everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke. From local support services and groups, to online information and support, anyone affected by stroke can visit or call our dedicated Stroke Helpline on 0303 3033 100 to find out about support available locally.
  • Our specialist support, research and campaigning are only possible with the courage and determination of the stroke community and the generosity of our supporters. With more donations and support, we can help rebuild even more lives.
  • You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.


Martin Oxley

Martin Oxley

Press contact Press Officer South of England 07776 508 646

The UK's leading stroke charity helping people to rebuild their lives after stroke

The Stroke Association. We believe in life after stroke. That’s why we campaign to improve stroke care and support people to make the best possible recovery. It’s why we fund research to develop new treatments and ways to prevent stroke. The Stroke Association is a charity. We rely on your support to change lives and prevent stroke. Together we can conquer stroke.

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EC1V 2PR London