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​Walkington stroke survivor completes 200 mile bike ride to mark 20th anniversary of stroke

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​Walkington stroke survivor completes 200 mile bike ride to mark 20th anniversary of stroke

Nick Young, 45 from Walkington, Beverley, took on a gruelling 201 mile cycle in one day on Saturday 22 June, to mark 20 years since surviving a stroke and raise more than £8,500 for the Stroke Association.

Nick had a stroke at the age of just 25 during a procedure to remove a brain tumour, which left him totally paralysed down his left hand side.

Nick said: “Thanks to very patient physios and my extreme stubbornness I literally had to learn how to stand on my own two feet again. To this day I struggle to walk in a straight line, I have a dropped left foot and get pain in my left hand. I can only look over one shoulder and can only indicate left, because I wobble on the bike when I take my right hand off the bars. This makes feeding and drinking very challenging, as well as indicating right. By rights, I could be registered disabled, but I’ve never taken that stance. A positive mindset can overcome most adversity.”

Nick took on the Chase the Sun challenge, which saw him ride at first light on Saturday 22 June from Tynemouth on the east coast, to Prestwick in Scotland on the west coast. He had just 17 hours to complete the course before sunset. His sister Joanne and her husband Phil also joined him, riding 50 mile segments alongside him as a relay team, while he was also supported by his wife Denise Young and nephew Jordan Fisher.

Nick said: “Our spirits were high as we set off at first light, the scenery was simply breathtaking and the roads were in good shape. The ride started and finished with the perfect weather and we were batted in sun and only light breezes to contend with. This was so important given how punishing a head wind could have been for 201 miles. Denise was brilliant at meeting us at set points and keeping us refuelled and our spirits high. I couldn’t have done it without her. My sister and brother in-law kept me entertained and helped me through the times when I was uncomfortable. The experience was simply awesome and I’d do it all again.

“Over the years, I’ve learnt to adapt and cope with my condition and I decided to celebrate my 20 year anniversary with a super challenge. I took it on not only to raise money for the Stroke Association, but also as a huge personal challenge to test me to breaking point. I want to help others to have the best opportunity they can at recovering from stroke, while raising awareness which could help to save lives. I’ve had my second chance and I want others to have theirs.”

In the UK stroke is the leading cause of disability and there are 1.2 million people living with the physical and emotional after effects. The money raised will enable the charity to support many more stroke survivors to rebuild their lives.

Jo Beverley, Regional Fundraiser at the Stroke Association, said: “A stroke can happen to anyone at any time and it turns lives upside down in an instant. We’re incredibly grateful to Nick for taking on this extremely difficult challenge. With his support we can reach out to more stroke survivors and their families as they rebuild their lives. Nick is a true inspiration and proof that there is life after stroke.”

To sponsor Nick, please visit: For more information about stroke, visit or call the Helpline on 0303 3033 100.


  • When stroke strikes, part of your brain shuts down. And so does a part of you. That’s because a stroke happens in the brain, the control centre for who we are and what we can do. It happens every five minutes in the UK and changes lives instantly. Recovery is tough, but with the right specialist support and a ton of courage and determination, the brain can adapt. Our specialist support, research and campaigning are only possible with the courage and determination of the stroke community and the generosity of our amazing supporters. We’re rebuilding lives after stroke. 
  • We’re here to support you to rebuild your life after stroke. If you need information or just want someone to talk to, call us on 0303 3033 100 or visit
  • Contacts

    Vicki Hall

    Vicki Hall

    Press contact PR Manager Fundraising and local services 0161 742 7478

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