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​Sheffield stroke survivor shares her first glimmer of hope

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​Sheffield stroke survivor shares her first glimmer of hope

Professional singer, songwriter and music teacher Sarah Jay Hawley, 52 from Sheffield, is supporting the Stroke Association’s ‘Hope After Stroke’ Christmas appeal, after surviving a life changing stroke five years ago.

Sarah was initially told she would never read again, yet has now finished writing her first book. Sarah said: “When I first had a stroke, I thought my life was over. Now I feel I’m a better person than I was pre-stroke. At the time, my life was way too hectic. I was a single mum, performing and teaching music, and the Head of Department at the British Institute of Modern Music in Manchester. I’d spent years building up my career and I loved it. I’d toured with Massive Attack, performed at Glastonbury and written songs for them and many other artists. Then the rug was completely pulled from under my feet.”

In 2015, Sarah woke in the middle of the night with pins and needles shooting through the right side of her body, face and brain. She had also lost her vision. After days of trying to get an answer, her doctor ran tests and realised she had lost her right side vision in both eyes. She was eventually sent to hospital and taken to the stroke ward, where she was given the devastating news she’d had a stroke.

She said: “One of the first things I did when I got home was sit at my piano and played a chord. When you lose your vision, your other senses get stronger. It was almost like I could see music as colour. It felt like I could see the chords and the vibrations as patterns and swirls. It was just beautiful and a first glimmer of hope for me during my recovery.”

Sarah was supported by the Stroke Association’s Stroke Recovery Service in Sheffield. She said: “The amazing team from the Stroke Association visited me and were so supportive. I don’t think I’d even be here if those women hadn’t been as present, as committed and as wonderful as they were. The really helped me to get my head round this new life. All the changes were immense.”

Sarah’s stroke had not only affected her vision but also her memory and her ability to read. Sarah added: “I could read individual words slowly but couldn’t piece them together. As a musician and writer I was adamant there was no way that I was going to lose that part of my life. I had an idea to write short stories behind all the songs I’d written. It was a very personal project and gave me a reason to try to get up in the morning. This has developed into my first book, which has been an amazing journey. The book is about recovery, hope and resilience and the healing power of music and creativity.

“I’ve now started teaching online again 6-8 hours a week. I’ve had to focus on what I am able to do rather than what I should be able to do; and I celebrate every tiny step. I want people to know it can and will get better. Keeping that hope alive is so important. Now I’m really in love with life again.”

Sarah is asking people to make a donation to the Stroke Association’s work supporting survivors and their families, as they rebuild their lives this Christmas.

The charity estimates that there are 12,200 people living with the effects of stroke in Sheffield, while around 100,000 people have a stroke across the UK every year.

Kate Charles, Regional Director at the Stroke Association said: “When someone’s life has been shattered by stroke, they may feel all hope is gone. But we also know that stroke survivors cling onto even the smallest glimmer of hope. This is what powers them on to achieve what many thought would be impossible. I’ve heard so many stories of remarkable people making recoveries even 20 years after their stroke.

“This pandemic has had a serious impact on our ability to raise funds through our usual community events and activities. Many people in our support services have praised the support they received from the Stroke Association, to build on that first glimmer of hope so that they could rebuild their lives after stroke. Hope might be found in a call to our Helpline; through the friendship and support of our online community; or the ongoing support of our Stroke Association Support Coordinators. Rebuilding lives is impossible without hope. And that’s why we’re asking everyone in Sheffield to donate to the Stroke Association and help give someone the gift of hope this Christmas.”

To donate or for more information about stroke and the vital role that hope plays in stroke recovery and rebuilding lives, please visit


  • Stroke strikes every five minutes in the UK and it changes lives in an instant.
  • The Stroke Association is a charity working across the UK to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe that everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke. From local support services and groups, to online information and support, anyone affected by stroke can visit or call our dedicated Stroke Helpline on 0303 3033 100 to find out about support available locally.
  • Our specialist support, research and campaigning are only possible with the courage and determination of the stroke community and the generosity of our supporters. With more donations and support, we can help rebuild even more lives.
  • You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.


Vicki Hall

Vicki Hall

Press contact PR Manager Fundraising and local services 0161 742 7478

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