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Dave Jones
Dave Jones

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Over 14 million UK adults don’t know where a stroke occurs

Over a quarter (27%)of the population don’t know that a stroke occurs in the brain – highlighting a lack of knowledge around the UK’s leading cause of disability.

Two thirds adults in Wales know someone who has had a stroke but most admit to a lack of awareness and understanding needed to support stroke survivors in their recovery.

In a separate survey of stroke survivors, more than four out of five (85%) people said the people they had daily contact with did not understand the impact of the stroke.

Startling research unveiled today shows nearly a third (30%) of people (I) in Wales who personally know a survivor of stroke admitting that they are struggling to support them to make their best possible recovery, according to new findings(ii)published today by the Stroke Association.

The research reveals that one important reason for the lack of stroke support for survivors stems from a lack of awareness of what stroke is and how it affects people. Shockingly, more than a quarter (27%) of the UK public(ii)don’t know where in the body a stroke occurs: the brain. For those in Wales that know a stroke survivor, a huge four out of five(i) (82%)feel that a greater understanding of stroke would help them support the survivor better. All this, despite stroke being the country’s leading cause of disability.

The research (i) also found that of those in Wales who know someone personally who has had a stroke:

More than four out of five (88%) agreed that family and friends play an essential role in the recovery process.

More than four in ten (41%) of respondents admitted wanting to do more to help the stroke survivor that they knew but lacked the knowledge to do so.

Almost a quarter (22%) say they do not properly understand the overall impact of the condition.

In a separate survey(iii)of stroke survivors, more than four out of five (85%) of stroke survivors said the people they had daily contact with did not understand the impact of the stroke. This ‘knowledge gap’ is preventing survivors getting the support they need from those closest to them, and stopping survivors from making the best possible recovery to rebuild their lives after stroke.

Father-of-two Dave Jones from Ammanford was just 36 when he had a stroke in 2017. He had a headache and dizziness and had to leave work. His condition worsened and two days later woke up unable to see.

Dave said: “I was fairly young and fit, I regularly went to the gym; I never even considered that I could be having a stroke.

“A scan showed I’d had a bleed in my brain and I was told I was lucky to be alive. When my sight did return I had double vision and I still struggle with short term memory loss, fatigue and controlling my emotions.

“It can make you feel really lonely as people don’t understand why I’m not the same person I once was. Just the other day I wanted to cry for no reason, then was laughing. But people say, ‘he’s over six foot, what’s the matter with him?’ They just don’t understand the different ways a stroke affects you.”

Dave joined a Stroke Association group for younger male stroke survivors in Carmarthenshire, which has been a huge support.

He added: “I found out who my true friends were after the stroke. Some just didn’t interact with me again, so meeting other survivors like me has been so important."

“It’s helped me learn that it’s not about getting back to how you were before the stroke, but about taking smaller steps to rebuild your life in a different way. And you need everyone to understand that so they can support you.”

The charity published its findings to mark the launch of its newest campaign, Rebuilding Lives, which aims to showcase the challenges faced by stroke survivors and those who support them with their recoveries. Other findings reveal the damaging effects that stroke can have on social networks and relationships:

More than one in 10 respondents admitted to seeing the survivor less after the latter had a stroke.

More than one in six of those who know a stroke survivor, admitted spending less time with them because the latter was perceived as not being the same person following the stroke.

A quarter (25%) said there had been a drop in social activity on the part of the stroke survivor.

Carol Bott, Director of the Stroke Association in Wales, comments: “A stroke happens in the brain, the control centre for who we are and what we can do. The impact varies depending on which part of the brain is affected. It could be anything from wiping out your speech and physical abilities, to affecting your emotions and personality. So, it’s a real challenge for everyone as they come to grips with this life changing event. This report highlights the complexity of stroke and raises the desperate need amongst people to understand the impact of stroke in order to better support their loved ones.

“That’s pretty shocking considering there are almost 70,000 stroke survivors living in Wales, many of whom are reliant on their friends and family, from help with daily living to understanding their emotional and mental health needs.

“It doesn’t have to be this way. We’re urging those people who know someone who has had a stroke to help turn this around. Reach out to the Stroke Association for help so that we can support stroke survivors to rebuild their lives.”

For more information about Rebuilding Lives or about stroke,

For more information about what you can expect after a stroke, the Stroke Association has partnered with the Royal College of Physicians to produce a booklet accessible here:


Notes to Editors

Top tips for people offering support to stroke survivors

Be patient

Let the stroke survivor do things in their own time. If there’s something that’s frustrating you, explain the problem calmly and focus on what you can both do to make it better.

Don’t over-complicate

Don’t make things too complicated if the stroke survivor is finding it hard to concentrate or remember things. Help them in the right way: break tasks down into individual steps, give simple instructions, one at a time, rather than a list of things to do. Get to the point.


Practise exercises with the stroke survivor and think of ways to make them fun. Cooking a meal can be a good way to practise planning and problem-solving, for example. If progress is slow it can be easy to think that things will never get better, so help them by celebrating all their successes, however small.

Don’t do everything for them

It’s normal to want to do as much as possible for your loved one. But it will be better if you help them to do things on their own rather than do it all for them. So, if they ask you what day it is, suggest they look at the paper to find out. Maybe lay their clothes out, so they may be able to dress themselves, or ingredients to make a sandwich.

Help them get support

Cognitive problems are often missed by doctors and sometimes it can be difficult to get them taken seriously. However, you need to trust that you know the survivor – your friend or loved one – better than they do, so don’t be afraid to keep pushing to get the support you need. If you don’t think you’re getting the right support from your doctor or stroke team, then call our Stroke Helpline on0303 3033 100.

Find new ways to communicate

If the survivor isn’t able to communicate in the same ways as before, then you’re going to need to learn new ways to do it too. Ask them what helps. Get involved with their speech and language therapy as much as you can. Many people with communication problems say they feel invisible because people forget that they have something to say or aren’t willing to put the effort in to find out. Make sure you include the person in activities and conversations.

When stroke strikes, part of your brain shuts down. And so does a part of you. That’s because a stroke happens in the brain, the control centre for who we are and what we can do. It happens every five minutes in the UK and changes lives instantly. Recovery is tough, but with the right specialist support and a ton of courage and determination, the brain can adapt. Our specialist support, research and campaigning are only possible with the courage and determination of the stroke community and the generosity of our amazing supporters. We’re rebuilding lives after stroke. We’re here to support you to rebuild your life after stroke. If you need information or just want someone to talk to, call us on0303 3033 100or

Rebuilding Lives

The Stroke Association’s Rebuilding Lives campaign will change the way people think about stroke using stroke survivors’ real stories. Told in their own words. Unscripted. Unfiltered.

These stories show that stroke can strike anyone at any time. Changing lives in an instant. They’ll help people understand that a stroke happens in the brain – the control centre for who you are and what you can do. And that the impact varies depending on which part of the brain is affected. It could be anything from wiping out your speech and physical abilities, to affecting your emotions and personality. Crucially, the stroke survivors in our campaign are living proof that life after stroke is possible. With the right specialist support and a ton of courage and determination, the brain can adapt. People can recover. Adjust to a new normal. There is hope.

The Stroke Association is here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. Our campaign will inspire everyone to take action and join our growing community. Because everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke.

(i) YouGov survey of 1,139 respondents connected to stroke, including 306 Welsh peple, conducted in April 2019.

(ii) YouGov survey of 6,244 UK respondents conducted April 2019

(iii) Stroke Association’s Daily Life Survey conducted in 2012


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The UK's leading stroke charity helping people to rebuild their lives after stroke

The Stroke Association. We believe in life after stroke. That’s why we campaign to improve stroke care and support people to make the best possible recovery. It’s why we fund research to develop new treatments and ways to prevent stroke. The Stroke Association is a charity. We rely on your support to change lives and prevent stroke. Together we can conquer stroke.

Stroke Association

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EC1V 2PR London