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​Nearly half of working age stroke survivors face financial hardship

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​Nearly half of working age stroke survivors face financial hardship

New figures published today by the Stroke Association reveal that almost half (43%) of stroke survivors across the UK, aged under 65, are faced with financial hardship after their stroke. The charity’s findings reveal that more than 125,000 stroke survivors have experienced a loss of income, faced discrimination at work, and in some cases, have been forced to sell their home to pay for medical expenses.

The Stroke Association’s Lived Experience report is the UK’s largest ever survey of people affected by stroke(i) with over 11,000 responses. The second chapter (of four), The wider impact of stroke, shows how the impact of the condition affects people’s working life, relationships and finances.

There are currently over 1.2 million stroke survivors in the UK, with a quarter of strokes happening to people of working age. The findings show the price tag that can come with a stroke, revealing that across the UK;

  • Over half (51%) of stroke survivors aged under 65 gave up work or reduced their working hours following their stroke.
  • Close to one in six (15%) of stroke survivors aged under 65 experienced discrimination, or missed out on a promotion, or said their employer was not supportive.

Father of two, Pete Lawson, 48 from Liverpool, had worked as a specialist teaching assistant in a special needs school for over 20 years, when a devastating stroke took away the career he loved.

Pete said: “It was more of a vocation than a job. Although it did have its stresses and strains as with all jobs, there’d be days where a child has made a milestone that you thought would never happen and it truly invigorated me.”

Pete had a stroke on 29 July 2017. He added: “My stroke left me with limited mobility and I now walk with a stick, as well as affecting me drastically emotionally in every shape and form. It also left me with aphasia, meaning I often struggle to find the right words.

“After a stroke, just because it takes you longer to get your words out doesn’t mean your intelligence is affected. It’s so frustrating. I don’t have the motivation sometimes. Fatigue is a real issue and can be debilitating. It’s absolutely massive.”

The impact of Pete’s stroke was so severe, that he was unable to return to work, and after twelve months his contract was terminated.

He said: “I was off work for six months with full pay, six months half pay and then my contract was terminated. Effectively, I was sacked. It was impossible to return due to my mobility issues, my aphasia and the emotional impact of my stroke. I was working with children that are severely autistic. I was walking with a stick, which could have been dangerous. Ultimately that was my way of getting around.”

Pete continues: “Financially, I’m now on PIP and Employment Support Allowance (ESA) but it’s a constant battle. Emotional isolation is a big issue for me since my stroke. I’m an independent person and like to do things for myself, but it would be nice to have someone in my life to socialise with. When I’m emotionally drained, I tend to close myself off.”

Juliet Bouverie, Chief Executive of the Stroke Association, said: “Life changes instantly after a stroke, and the condition can have a huge cost, not only to people’s finances, but also to their health, independence and relationships. But not enough people realise the wider impacts that stroke can bring. Overnight, a partner becomes a carer. A breadwinner becomes jobless.

“These latest figures show that many stroke survivors are facing a life on the edge of poverty; many have had to give up work, and in some cases, face discrimination from their employers. This comes at a time when financial worries should be the last thing on their minds.”

The Lived Experience of Stroke report seeks to expose the realities of living with stroke. The charity wants everyone affected by stroke to have access to the support that they need, when they need it. The latest findings also show that:

  • Nearly one in five (15%) of stroke survivors faced increased costs as a result of their stroke, which could include medication, aids and higher household bills due to being at home
  • Sometimes stroke survivors even have to sell their homes to pay for medical expenses; across the whole UK stroke population this could be as many as 12,000(ii) people.
  • Only one in 10 (10%) of stroke survivors had used a benefits or financial advice service.

Juliet continues: “Recovery is tough, but with the right support and plenty of courage and determination, the brain can adapt. Time and again we’ve seen thousands of people adapt to a new life after stroke; and we’ve helped them to adjust to a new normal. However, it is extremely worrying that not enough stroke survivors are receiving the support they need to either remain in work or access vital benefits. I’d like to see more people contacting our Helpline to help them through this difficult process.”

The Stroke Association spoke to stroke survivors, who offered advice for anyone who has found their work or finances impacted by their stroke. They advised:

Before stroke happens, consider income protection insurance and critical illness cover. For those who have dependents, such as a partner or children, you might also consider life insurance.

  • When returning to work, talk to your employer and agree reasonable adjustments to help you in the work place. This could be a phased return, part-time or adjusted hours, or a move to lighter duties.
  • If you are an employer and an employee has had a stroke, learn about the condition to help you understand how it affects an individual. Ask your employee what they need as this will enable you to support them in the best way.
  • A stroke can have a huge financial impact, stroke survivors need signposting to services or charities that offer financial support.

Don’t be afraid to seek help – whether you are a stroke survivor or you know someone who has had a stroke.

Angela Matthews, Head of Policy & Advice at the Business Disability Forum, said: “Soon after a stroke, a survivor has to navigate how different their body feels, the changed pace at which their body needs to work, and learn to adjust to doing things in new ways. All of this often happens in the background while needing to return to work so that personal finances are affected as little as possible. Stroke survivors might not be able to return to the same job they did before, but they can sometimes return to some type of work, albeit different to what they used to do.

“The worrying 51 per cent who have given up work following a stroke means employers are losing valuable, experienced talent. There is also the wider policy concern that the disability employment gap is being increased, when stroke survivors are not being supported back to work by both the healthcare and workplace settings working together.”

The Wider Impact of Stroke report is part two of a four part series focusing on the Lived Experience of Stroke. For more information about the Lived Experience of Stroke – Wider Impact report, visit

The Stroke Helpline (0303 3033 100) offers information and support to people who have been affected by stroke.



  • When stroke strikes, part of your brain shuts down. And so does a part of you. That’s because a stroke happens in the brain, the control centre for who we are and what we can do. It happens every five minutes in the UK and changes lives instantly. Recovery is tough, but with the right specialist support and a ton of courage and determination, the brain can adapt. Our specialist support, research and campaigning are only possible with the courage and determination of the stroke community and the generosity of our amazing supporters. We’re rebuilding lives after stroke. 
  • We’re here to support you to rebuild your life after stroke. If you need information or just want someone to talk to, call us on 0303 3033 100 or visit
  • Contacts

    Vicki Hall

    Vicki Hall

    Press contact PR Manager Fundraising and local services 0161 742 7478

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