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​Blackpool North Shore golf club raises £1,670 for the Stroke Association

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​Blackpool North Shore golf club raises £1,670 for the Stroke Association

North Shore Golf Club In Blackpool has raised £1,670 for the Stroke Association after holding a series of fundraising events for the charity in 2018 and 2019, during Bill Dugdale and Jeannie Hayhurst’s year as Captain and Lady Captain.

The Golf Club was inspired to raise funds for the Stroke Association after club captain, Billy Dugdale had a mini-stroke (TIA) in December 2017. Bill regained full use of his arms and legs within a matter of hours thanks to the swift action of paramedics and hospital staff. Bill continues now with a normal life following his stroke.

Funds were raised by the Captains through a series of Social evenings at the Club, auctions of memorabilia and the famous Captains Bunkers where people donated a pound every time they were unfortunate enough to land there.

Jeannie Hayhurst, Lady Captain at North Shore Golf Club, said: “I’ve seen first-hand how important it is for someone to act fast when stroke symptoms appear, so I’m keen to raise as much awareness as I can. Bill was one of the lucky ones and saw whilst in hospital the devastation that can be caused to family and patients who were not as fortunate. He was determined to help raise funds for the Stroke Association, which does such wonderful work for survivors of stroke and their rehabilitation. I am so grateful to all of our club members and friends and family for their generosity and support.”

Mikaela Leape, Regional Fundraiser at the Stroke Association, said: “Without the efforts of fundraisers like the members of North Shore Golf Club, we wouldn’t be able to support the 42,000 people in the North West living with the devastating effects of stroke, as well as their families and carers, as they rebuild their lives after stroke.”

For more information about stroke, visit or call the Helpline on 0303 3033 100.



  • When stroke strikes, part of your brain shuts down. And so does a part of you. That’s because a stroke happens in the brain, the control centre for who we are and what we can do. It happens every five minutes in the UK and changes lives instantly. Recovery is tough, but with the right specialist support and a ton of courage and determination, the brain can adapt. Our specialist support, research and campaigning are only possible with the courage and determination of the stroke community and the generosity of our amazing supporters. We’re rebuilding lives after stroke. 
  • We’re here to support you to rebuild your life after stroke. If you need information or just want someone to talk to, call us on 0303 3033 100 or visit
  • Contacts

    Vicki Hall

    Vicki Hall

    Press contact PR Manager Fundraising and local services 0161 742 7478

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