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Hands holding up a placard saying No Diversity Without Disfluency
Hands holding up a placard saying No Diversity Without Disfluency

Press release -


STAMMA have joined with over 70 organisations around the globe calling for the 'Right to Stutter'.

They have signed a declaration which states “We may, or may not, choose to find support to sound fluent or stutter less. That is our right. It is not reasonable to expect or insist that we sound fluent. We stutter. That is how we talk”.

CEO of STAMMA Jane Powell said, “No organisation or media channel, can champion diversity if they don’t accept people who stammer talking in the way that they do. Currently there isn't space in our society for people who stammer. Media stories focus upon people 'overcoming' a stammer. Nor do we see adjustments routinely made to people who stammer at work, in interviews, oral exams or in accessing food and services. Stammering is just how some people talk"

On International Stammering Awareness Day, instead of asking questions about how people have ‘overcome’ their stammer, STAMMA are encouraging the media to understand that this is simply how some people talk. STAMMA’s message is by implying that people have greater value when they don't stammer can be damaging to their mental health, self-esteem and confidence, particularly among children.

Signing alongside STAMMA is the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists.

According to a recent poll commissioned by STAMMA, 59% of those asked said they don’t know a character in a TV series or film who stammered and only 2% could name five characters. Sitting in the top five was Forrest Gump and Rain Man, neither of whom stammer. This data backs up STAMMA's call for the media to reflect the voices of people who stammer to dispel the stigma, myths and ignorance that surround stammering.

International organisations representing people who stammer have signed the Declaration, alongside national organisations from: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mali, Nepal, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Rwanda, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States. The Declaration has also been translated into Bulgarian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, German, Hebrew, Nepalese, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (BR), Russian and Spanish.

The Declaration in full reads:

We, the undersigned, declare that people who stutter should be accepted as having a stutter. We may, or may not, choose to find support to sound fluent or stutter less. That is our right. It is not reasonable to expect or insist that we sound fluent. We stutter. That is how we talk.

In this time of diversity, adjustments are too often not given to those who stutter, be it at work, education or using everyday services. The expectation is rather that we should strive to ‘overcome’ our stutter and speak differently. As individuals we may wish, and even try, to do so. But as a community we refute the idea that we all stop stuttering.

No organisation can claim to value equality or diversity unless stuttering voices are permitted and valued. We call upon every organisation and institution to work with people who stutter to make sure that all of us are given the respect every person deserves; and that space is made for us.

It is our right to speak as we do.

50 Million Voices, International

Action for Stammering Children, United Kingdom

Alborz Atra Speech Therapy Clinic, Iran

Asian Association for Stuttering Organizations, International

Asociación Argentina de Tartamudez, Argentina

Associação Brasileira de Gagueira – ABRA Gagueira, Brazil

Association vaincre le bégaiement, Mali

Balbuzie allo Scoperto! – Supporto & Confronto, Italy

Belfast Stammer Support, Northern Ireland

BeneTalk, United Kingdom

BSV Belgian Stuttering Association, Belgium

Bulgarian Stuttering Association, Bulgaria

Bundesvereinigung Stottern & Selbsthilfe e.V., Germany

Canadian Stuttering Association, Canada

Centro Especializado en Tartamudez, Peru

CONTINUUM-TTM, Tartamudez Ecuador, Ecuador

De Stotterpraktijk, The Netherlands

Demosfen, Russia

Dutch Association for Speech and Language Therapy, The Netherlands

Estonian Stuttering Association, Estonia

Fluir+ Abordaje Clínico de la Tartamudez, Chile & Latin America

Friends – The National Association of Young People Who Stutter, United States

Fundación Colombiana de Tartamudez, Colombia

Fundacja Centrum Logopedyczne, Poland

Fundacja Wspierania Mowy i Komunikacji HALO, Poland

Ghana Stammering Association, Ghana

Habla Libre, Peru

Hong Kong Stuttering Support Group, Hong Kong

Independent Practice for Speech Therapy, Belgium

Indonesian Stuttering Community, Indonesia

International Stuttering Association, International

Israeli Stuttering Association, Israel

Jeanette van Baarsen Stottertherapie, The Netherlands


Myspeech, United States

National Stuttering Association, United States

Nederlandse stotter- en broddelvereniging Demosthenes, The Netherlands

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Stottertherapie, The Netherlands

Nepal Stutters’ Association, Nepal

Newfoundland and Labrador Stuttering Association, Canada

Norsk interesseforening for stamming og løpsk tale, Norway


Pakistan Stammering Foundation, Pakistan

Portuguese Association of Stutterers, Portugal

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, United Kingdom

Rwanda Stuttering Organisation, Rwanda

SAY Global, Pakistan

SAY: The Stuttering Association For The Young Australia, Australia

Schneider Speech, United States

Scottish Stammering Network, Scotland

Shashi FIRE Holding, The Netherlands

Speakeasy South Africa, South Africa

Specialized Center for Stuttering, International

STAMMA, United Kingdom

Stammeforeningen i Danmark, Denmark

Stammeklinikkene – Center logopedi AS, Norway

Stammertalk 口吃说, China

Stammerers Through University Consultancy, United Kingdom

Stamningsförbundet, Sweden

Stamurai, India

Stichting StotterFonds, The Netherlands

Stottercentrum Noord, The Netherlands

Stottercentrum Utrecht, The Netherlands

Stottertherapie In Verbinding, The Netherlands

Stuttering Awareness Mental Well-being Ireland, Ireland

Stuttering Society, Belgium

Suomen änkytysyhdistys ry, Finland

The Evolution and Voice Science Lab, United Kingdom

The Indian Stammering Association, India

Vereinigung für Stotternde und Angehörige, Switzerland

Voce InForma – Centro Vocologico Internazionale, Italy

withVR, International

World Stuttering Network, International

*In the UK the term used is ‘stammer’. For most of the rest of the world the term used is ‘stutter’. The words are interchangeable and mean the same thing. Stammering is when someone repeats, prolongs or gets stuck when trying to say sounds or words.



Our Purpose

We exist to create a world that makes space for stammering. Where it's embraced as just a difference. Where no-one judges your stammer or the way you choose to deal with it. We’ll get there by bringing people together, whether they stammer or not, to propel a movement for change.

We will stand up for and embolden those who stammer, provide support and information, and challenge discrimination wherever we find it. We’ll fight for NHS speech and language therapy services for those want it. No matter how you talk, we're here for you.

Join us and help the public understand that stammering is not a sign of being drunk, dishonest, nervous or weak. It’s simply how some of us talk.


Jane Powell

Jane Powell

Press contact CEO +44 20 8983 1003
Neha Shaji

Neha Shaji

Press contact +442045824144 

Pritie Billimoria

Press contact Director Comms & Fundraising

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It's How We Talk

Founded in 1978, Stamma, the British Stammering Association is a national registered charity dedicated to creating a better world for people who stammer. Through its website:, helpline and backing of local meetup and self-help groups, the British Stammering Association provides information and support for people who stammer and those living, supporting or working with them. The BSA is a membership organisation with members taking an active role in the election of trustees and in the strategic direction of the charity.

Find out more at


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