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How will you Support The Next?

Olympic and Paralympic heroes Tom Daley, Katherine Grainger, Rebecca Adlington, Sarah Storey, Ellie Simmonds and Ade Adepitan are urging the British public and businesses across the country to show their support for the future of British sport in SportsAid’s new Support the Next film.

Tom, Katherine, Rebecca, Sarah, Ellie and Ade, who all received support from SportsAid during the critical early stages of their careers, feature in the film alongside nine of the 1200 athletes currently supported by the charity from across a range of different sports.

Support the Next highlights all the hard work which goes on behind the scenes of a young athlete’s career - the early mornings, the late nights, the sacrifices made to train and compete, each and every day, as they look to become Britain’s heroes of tomorrow.

The film, created by Founded with Hogarth’s breathtaking production, premiered at SportsAid’s annual SportsBallTM 2015 yesterday evening to an audience of over 700 people. You can watch the film here.

Support the Next follows SportsAid’s I Will campaign, which launched back in 2012 and asked what will you do to support young, talented British athletes and build on the legacy of the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics?

Here is the list of young SportsAid athletes who feature in Support the Next….

  • Wheelchair racer Sheikh Sheikh won gold at the IWAS World Junior Games in T54 100m
  • Para swimmer Arthur Morley came first at the British Gas Para-Swimming Championships in the 100m breaststroke
  • Cyclist Fred Wright won bronze at the European Youth Olympic Festival 2015
  • BMX cyclist Oliver Rowe won the British Championships in 2014 and second in the National Championships 2015
  • Swimmer Katie Matts won gold in the 100m and 200m breaststroke and 4x100m relay (17/18yrs) at the British Summer Championships 2015
  • Rower Molly Harding won silver in the JW4 x at the World Rowing Championships 2015
  • Chantelle Reid won gold at the Nations Cup 2015 in Serbia (youth) and was selected for the Youth Women’s European Championships 2015
  • Emily Martin won gold in the 3m springboard and silver in the 1m springboard and platform at the British Junior Elite Diving Championships
  • Laviai Neilson won gold in the 400m and 4x400m at the European Junior Athletics Championships

DONATE TODAY or contact SportsAid on 020 7273 1975 or to get involved. Find out more by following @TeamSportsAid on Twitter (#SupportTheNext), Facebook and Instagram


  • Sport


  • i will
  • support the next
  • olympics
  • laviai neilson
  • emily martin
  • chantelle reid
  • molly harding
  • katie matts
  • oliver rowe
  • fred wright
  • arthur morley
  • sheikh sheikh
  • support the next film
  • katherine grainger
  • sportsaid
  • ade adepitan
  • ellie simmonds
  • tom daley
  • paralympics
  • ​olympics
  • sarah storey
  • rebecca adlington