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A Bathroom designed for Ease – at any Age

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A Bathroom designed for Ease – at any Age

When every step requires careful consideration so as not to stumble, security and safety mean freedom. Freedom from bothersome safeguards and inconvenient fuss, freedom of movement and the freedom that comes with numerous options. A finely-meshed safety net made up of familiar surroundings, technical equipment and barrier-free housing gives people a sense of security and ease. And that sense of ease should be expressed in the design of the Easy Bathroom too: for all its technical sophistication, it must be simple and intuitive to use as well.

People who have to cope with physical or agerelated limitations of any kind know just how important a freely accessible, safe and easy-touse bathroom is when it comes to their independence, fitness and wellbeing. They enjoy the effect the water has on their health and soul, the comfort and convenience of a shower toilet, the feeling of safety and security that comes from furniture, seating and grab rails designed to provide support and the benefits of good, possibly even sensor-controlled lighting systems. Level-access showers and enough space to ensure freedom of movement are basic prerequisites for allowing elderly people to furnish their bathrooms in a way that accommodates not just their individual preferences but their (future) needs as well. Just in case. 

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Lars Mörs

Lars Mörs

Press contact Editor Pop up my Bathroom Newsroom + Atelier +49 221 620 18 02

Information Platform for Creative Bathroom Planning, Architecture and Design

Pop up my Bathroom, an initiative of the German Sanitary Industry Association (Vereinigung Deutsche Sanitärwirtschaft e.V. [VDS]) and Messe Frankfurt established in conjunction with the ISH, is an experimental platform for architects, bathroom planners, interior designers and journalists.

Pop up my Bathroom

Rheinweg 24
53113 Bonn

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