Press release -

Microsoft veteran reinforces management at neXus

Jonas Dahlberg, previous Product Director at Bisnode and former CEO of Netgain AB, will join neXus as Director of Business Development and as a member of the Group Management Team.

Jonas has 19 years’ experience as a consultant, sales, CEO and product and development within IT and IT-related companies. Jonas worked at Microsoft for nine years before Bisnode and Netgain.

Jonas will start as the Director of Business Development 14 September.

neXus has over the past six years gone from 58 million SEK in turnover 2009, to 300 million SEK 2014 - and continues the trajectory for 2015. A solid performance, driven by acquisitions and strong organic growth. neXus has also made extensive investments in the technical development of both digital and physical platforms during this period.

"Jonas’ years of experience in strong growth IT companies and his sense for businesses will benefit neXus’ continued growth," says Lars Pettersson, President and CEO of neXus.

"I came in contact with security solutions within IT already during my time at Microsoft. When working at Netgain, IT security was a constant headache for the CIOs who were our clients. Since then, digitization and thus the need for identity solutions developed such momentum that customer demand is almost insatiable. The opportunity to become a partner in neXus feels just right" says Jonas Dahlberg, future Director of Business Development at neXus.


neXus is a leading and fast-growing international provider of IT security solutions. Our key competence is Identity and Access Management (IAM): we offer solutions, products and services for securing the identity of persons, objects or transactions in both the digital and the physical world. Today, neXus has offices in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, France, India, Luxembourg, the UK, and the US.

Press contact

Lars Pettersson
+46 8 685 45 60



  • Data, Telecom, IT


  • technology nexus
  • nexus
  • jonas dahlberg
  • director of business development


neXus is a leading international provider of security solutions and services, within both physical and logical access. A comprehensive end-to-end offering makes neXus the ideal one-stop Identity and Access Management provider. neXus has its headquarter in Stockholm and branches in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, India, US and the UK.

For more information, please visit


Lars Pettersson

CEO +46 8 685 45 60

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