Press release -
London Sport ready to support efforts to improve the nation's health
London Sport response to the publication of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity's Levelling Up Health report.
Barry Kelly, Specialist Advisor for Physical Activity for Health at London Sport, said:
"This report is another stark reminder of how seriously health inequalities negatively impacts London and the wider country and the damage it does individually, socially and economically.
It is imperative for London that we acknowledge the major issues that we are facing in terms of health inequalities and make significant changes to ensure we tackle this problem immediately.
The fact that health inequalities have been widening over the past decades demonstrates all too clearly that previous action has been ineffective and bold steps are required to reverse this trend.
A focus on healthy children, and the opportunity for them to form a physical activity habit for life, is particularly poignant as this is a key aspiration of our new LDN Moving strategy.
Success for London Sport, and our partners across the capital, will undoubtedly improve population health and dramatically reduce the need to spend time and money treating illnesses.
Prevention costs remain significantly lower than treatment costs and we welcome the report’s call to government to prioritise this in the ten-year Health Improvement Plan.
London Sport research has shown that for every £1.00 invested in sport and physical activity in London, £1.48 worth of social value is generated for individuals and society.
Based on 2015/16 physical activity levels, it is estimated that, in London, 36,160 cases of coronary heart disease and stroke and 16,696 cases of Type 2 diabetes were averted.
As suggested in the report, London Sport is committed to support local communities, local government, and local NHS partners to drive health improvements across the capital.
We will work collaboratively in partnership with organisations and know that nothing will be possible without working with communities to create meaningful change that addresses local need.
A healthy nation requires effort from all sectors of society and London Sport is ready to play its part."
- Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals
- physical activity for health
- national health
- appg
- health
- inequalities
- health inequalities
- barry kelly
- appg for longevity
- public health
- Greater London
About London Sport
London Sport aims to make London the most physically active city in the world. Supported by the Mayor of London and Sport England, our target is to get Londoners more physically active.
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