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Public briefing in January to share London Sport's new strategy

Physical activity and sport in London has faced a challenging year and, like many organisations, London Sport have spent time taking stock and refining our understanding of our role in helping to get Londoners more active. 

That work marks the culmination of around 18 months of development on a new strategy for London Sport which we will be hosting an online briefing for on Thursday 21 January at 09.45.

The strategy, which looks to add detail to our role and contribution to making London the most active city in the world, draws on our experiences of the six years since London Sport was launched in 2014 and the collective input of a wide range of organisations working in physical activity and sport here in London and across the country.

While the strategy won’t mark a radical departure from our work over the past few years, it does seek to build our response to some of the key challenges and barriers that prevent Londoners to live more active lives and to ensure our response is underpinned by a deep commitment to equality in all its forms.

We are inviting partners and interested parties to join the briefing in January ahead of the formal publication of the strategy in February to gain a better understanding of how and where we will be working in the years to come, and how we plan to work together with stakeholders to create a more active future for London. 

The briefing will be led jointly by London Sport Chief Executive, Tove Okunniwa, and Chair, Jillian Moore.

Registration for the briefing session is available now – to access the session, please ensure you have registered in advance of 21 January. Spaces are limited but we will be making a recording of the session available on-demand for anyone unable to attend.

Register here.


  • sport england
  • london sport
  • mayor of london
  • tove okunniwa
  • jillian moore


  • Greater London


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