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London Sport relaunches online industry data platform

Efforts to support the research and data needs of physical activity and sport groups in London have been boosted today with the relaunch of London Sport’s Insight and Data Portal. The Portal, a digital tool making available data, research and insight related to physical activity in London, was first introduced in 2016 and has now undergone a significant re-design to enhance the support available to users and partners seeking a deeper understanding of physical activity and sport in the capital.

At relaunch, the Insight and Data Portal features over 150 individual datasets providing detailed information on topics ranging from physical activity participation rates to active travel habits, volunteer and coaching data, social integration and crime figures, and public health data. For the first time, the Insight and Data Portal will also make available borough-level data on behavioural and attitudinal barriers to participation in physical activity and sport as identified in London Sport’s ground-breaking Less Active Londoners segmentation research.

Alongside published data sets, the Insight and Data Portal also provides access to an online library of research publications that outline the social and economic value of physical activity and sport, from a wide variety of research professionals.

The redevelopment and relaunch of the Insight and Data Portal shows London Sport’s continued commitment to the use of research, insight and data to support the growth and development of the capital’s physical activity and sport sector.

Discussing the relaunch of the Insight and Data Portal, London Sport’s Senior Insight Manager, Daniel Stracey, outlined the importance of making high-quality research and data available to groups and individuals working throughout the sport sector.

“Data and insight underpin all of our decision-making at London Sport,” he explained.

“That approach ensures we are well-placed to make effective long-term decisions about how we can best target inactivity in different communities across London. We also recognise that we have a responsibility to better arm our partners and stakeholders with information that can help them to advance their own ambitions for physical activity and sport; whether to support funding bids, provide additional contextual information, or simply to better understand where and how a range of factors influence participation across London.

“Relaunching the Insight and Data Portal is an important step in providing more support and information to our partners all across the capital, and I’m confident it will prove a valuable resource to growing physical activity and sport throughout London.”

The relaunched Insight and Data Portal is accessible from today at: with users invited to help shape the tool’s on-going development through live on-site feedback surveys.

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  • Spa, fitness, well-being


  • insight
  • physical activity
  • research


  • Greater London


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Anil Manji

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