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Connect Series launches with sold-out event on Serious Youth Violence

A brand-new London Sport event series looking at the most pressing issues facing the key decision-makers in the capital will launch tomorrow to a sold-out audience.

The first Connect Series event on Tuesday 9 July will focus on Serious Youth Violence with Preet Gill MP and Lib Peck from the Violence Reduction Unit both set to deliver keynote speeches.

Gill is a former social worker and children’s services specialist who is now MP for Birmingham Edgbaston and Labour’s shadow minister for international development.

United Borders’ Justin Finlayson will also address the audience prior to a panel discussion, chaired by Viveen Taylor of Sport England and featuring Dan Keeley from Snow Camp and Kirk Harrison from Black Prince Trust.

Decision-makers involved in policy, local government, sport and community organisations from across the capital will attend the exclusive launch event at House of Sport in Borough.

Ticket for the launch event have sold-out with a second Connect Series event due to take place in November, after Active London, with interested parties able to express their interest in attending here.

London Sport is a strategic body aiming to make London the most physically active city in the world and will use the Connect Series to look at how the sector can have a positive impact on Serious Youth Violence.

The series will look to, over a number of months, create a community within the capital which strives to tackle some of the biggest issues facing London and create positive change through physical activity and sport.

Guests will also be encouraged to share their own expertise to ensure the Connect Series highlights new and emerging opportunities that will shape the future of the nation's capital for the better.

Speaking on the launch, London Sport CEO Tove Okunniwa said:

“I’m really excited to see the first Connect Series event come to fruition and know that it will be full of insightful and thought-provoking content.

“Serious Youth Violence has barely been out of the headlines in London and we strongly believe that sport and physical activity can make an impact in this area by giving young people a different option.

“Physical activity has so many benefits beyond improving mental and physical health and we hope to explore and share those important lessons through our new Connect Series.”

To register your interest in attending future Connect Series events click here. Find out more about Active London here.


  • Sport


  • london sport events
  • serious youth violence
  • tove okunniwa
  • connect series


  • Greater London


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Anil Manji

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