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Spotlight on... The Business Contribution Award in association with the City of London Corporation

We’ve almost reached the big day and the London Sport Awards 2020 supported by the City of London Corporation looms large on the horizon.

As we count down to Friday 6 March, we’re looking in detail at each of the Award categories and the shortlisted nominees to see who’s got a shot at getting their hands on one of the coveted London Sport Awards.

Here, we take an in-depth look at The Business Contribution Award supported by the City of London Corporation.

Who is in the running?

Making its debut at the London Sport Awards 2020, The Business Contribution Award recognises the valuable contribution of businesses of all sizes in providing sponsorship, support, and resources which enable community physical activity and sport to thrive in London.

Our shortlisted nominees in this category ranges from local businesses to some of the biggest corporate names in the country. 

Here’s who made the lists:

Cause & Effect Creative

Nominated for their support of Balham Football Club, Cause & Effect Creative offered its professional creative expertise to the club for free to help increase brand opportunities and commercial outreach.

Having grown since its foundation in 2001 to encompass 25 squads ranging from under-7s to senior Men’s, Girls’, Women’s and Veterans’ groups, Balham FC makes an enormous contribution to grassroots football in the capital. 

Cause & Effect Creative’s support has enabled the club to reach more supporters, build partnerships with local businesses and advise the club on the ways it can increase its reach and accelerate its growth in the future.


Sponsors of the landmark RideLondon event since its launch in 2013, Prudential are committed to being an active and supportive member of the community.

In 2016, Prudential launched a community engagement programme designed to encourage young people from low-income families to aim high and believe in themselves by helping them train to complete the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 46.

The programme has since evolved into PruGOals with input from charity partners, Teach First, Greenhouse Sports, The Transformation Trust and Dame Kelly Holmes Trust.

PruGOals provides opportunities for young people to develop new skill and build resilience and greater aspiration, and offers support for young people to help them build a better future for themselves, regardless of their background.


UBS has been changing the lives of children and young people through sport with SportInspired since 2008. 

As the founding partner of the charity, UBS was integral to the setup and evolution of SportInspired as firstly a social enterprise, and then as a charity, which now has a national footprint and supports more than 10,000 children each year.

Together, UBS and SportInspired united to tackle the consequences of poverty on children and young people in Hackney through physical activity and sport.

Since the partnership began in 2008, 9,000 primary school children in Hackney have tried 608 sports, 1,000 young people have been trained as Young Leaders, and over 3,500 volunteers have supported children contributing over 20,000 hours to the Hackney community.

City of London Corporation – Partners to The Business Contribution Award

The City of London Corporation is the governing body of the Square Mile dedicated to a vibrant and thriving City, supporting a diverse and sustainable London within a globally-successful UK.

What They’re Saying

"Sport is a major part of the rich and vibrant culture that makes London such a great place to live, learn, work and visit. 

"The people shortlisted for the London Sport Awards play a crucial role in making the capital the world-leading city it is today. Their dedication and commitment makes a difference to millions across London.

Congratulations to everyone who has been nominated. I wish them the best of luck on 6 March."

Want to Know Who Wins?

Tickets for the London Sport Awards 2020 supported by the City of London Corporation have almost sold out, but you can still purchase yours if you're quick. More information here.

And follow the action on the night, just search for #LondonSportAwards #MakeYourMark on Twitter or Instagram and keep your eyes peeled on Friday 6 March. 


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