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Jason launches Juicing For Schools programme

Best-selling author and celebrity health coach Jason Vale helped pupils discover the health giving benefits of freshly extracted juices at the launch of his nationwide ‘Juice Revolution 4 Schools’ Programme at the Clevedon School in Somerset.

On a mission to radicalise the way that young people think about their own health and what they put in their bodies, ‘Juice Master’ Jason Vale and his team, are taking a lively and entertaining ‘Juicing’ roadshow round the country.  The aim of the programme is to motivate thousands of pupils into re-thinking their relationship with fruits and vegetables, being shown that if they cant eat them, that they can find a tasty way to drink them.  

The seminar was watched by Key Stage 3 students from Clevedon School, Key Stage 2 students from St Nicholas Chantry as well as local education authority representatives. 

Jason commented, “I was the in the same situation as most of the teenagers out there today, I was unhealthy, I ate lots of junk food and I didn’t think that what I ate made that much of a difference to my health. I now know it is crucial that your body is fed the right foods as this has an impact on concentration levels and learning”.  After radically changing his own health 10 years ago after a reading a book on ‘juicing’ from an American doctor, Jason turned to mother nature to get him back to health.  “Now I am literally ‘juicing the world’” added Jason, “and it all starts with the health of our younger generation”. 

The ‘juicing for schools’ programme is based around an interactive day where pupils will learn about how raw plant-based foods, especially when turned into juices and smoothies can feed every cells in the body. They will understand which fruits boost brain power, and which vegetables are perfect for increasing energy.  They will also get to sample juices and some even make their own during the session.

Kathryn Naunton, Healthy Clevedon Coordinator from Clevedon School added, “This was a real opportunity for students across Clevedon to be part of a very special day. We really shocked them into realising how tasty different fruit and vegetables can be!”


  • Alternative medicine


  • education
  • health
  • juice master
  • child obesity
  • celebrity

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