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Categories: technology

Manchester hospitals implement the Patient Status Engine to monitor Covid-19 patients in hospital and at home.

Manchester hospitals deploy new remote monitoring technology to free up beds for the sickest Coronavirus patients

The surge in Covid-19 patients in Greater Manchester has provided the opportunity for two hospitals to deploy a new wireless monitoring platform which they hope will allow clinicians to identify and predict deteriorating patients faster and with less nurse to patient contact. Originally planned for use in clinical research, the new technology holds the promise of saving many lives in Manchester an

NFC Technologie wird zukünfigg in der Patient Status Engine verfügbar sein Mit Unterstützung eines Förderprojekt der ILB Brandenburg

NFC Technologie wird zukünfigg in der Patient Status Engine verfügbar sein Mit Unterstützung eines Förderprojekt der ILB Brandenburg

Dank der Förderung durch die ILB Brandenburg (Big FuE) ist das Thema der Integration von NFC/RFID-Technologien zur Identifikation verwendeter Medizingeräte am Patienten für telemedizinische Anwendungen umgesetzt worden. Der Prototyp ist fertig und nun beginnt die Testphase. Geplant ist es, die neuen Technologien in das Medizinprodukt zu übernehmen.
Wesentliches Ziel des Projektes war eine Verei

Simplified and optimized workflows enabled with the Patient Status Engine

NFC Technology will be available in the Patient Status Engine in the future with the support of a funding project of the ILB Brandenburg

Due to funding by ILB Brandenburg (Big FuE), the implementation of the integration of NFC/RFID-Technologies for the identification of medical devices in use on patients for telemedical applications was successful. The prototype is complete and the test phase can start. The plan is to integrate the new technologies into the medical device.

The simplification of the workflow by implementi

New report estimates 11 million people a year are dying from sepsis - more than are killed by cancer

​Sepsis can be detected and treated early with new wireless patient monitoring technology

Sepsis patients can be diagnosed and treated earlier with the help of new technology available for patients in any healthcare setting including hospitals, care homes, and even patient’s own homes.
Researchers writing in the Lancet medical journal have found that one in five deaths around the world is caused by sepsis, also known as septicaemia or blood poisoning.The report estimates 11 million

Isansys' Lifecare in Oxford has been shorlisted for the OBN's  Most Transformative Digital Healthcare Company Award 2019

Isansys named as finalist for OBN’s Most Transformative Digital Healthcare Company award

Isansys Lifecare is proud to announce it has been shortlisted in the Most Transformative Digital Healthcare Company category at the OBN Annual Awards 2019.
The award recognises the significant uptake of the technology by healthcare providers and the real impact Isansys’ technology is having on patients and hospitals globally.
Isansys Lifecare in Oxford has designed and developed the Patien

The Patient Status Engine provides early warnings of patient deteriorations through automated continuous observations

Sepsis can be detected early using new technology enabling patients to receive timely treatment

Research by BBC News this week showed that a quarter of patients with sepsis have experienced delays in getting treatment. Hospitals are supposed to put a person on an antibiotic drip within an hour if sepsis is suspected but research by BBC News suggests a quarter of patients in England wait longer. Delays raise the chance of potentially fatal complications such as organ failure and even death.

Isansys' focus amidst the Brexit turmoil is to ensure its EU customers feel little or no impact from a no-deal or hard Brexit

Brexit and the effect on the UK medical device industry - How one company has dealt with the challenge

For a long time the restless elephant in the room, Brexit has now turned into an angry bull, still locked down but ready to erupt and no matter which side of this now existential divide you stand on, this bull, once released will liberate vast amounts of pent up energy. For Brexiteers (supporters of Brexit) this release of energy will lead to a liberated and proud Great Britain ready to assume (or

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Providing extraordinary new digital medical tools to transform patient data into valuable clinical insight

Isansys provides remote monitoring solutions which improve patient care, drive clinical performance, ensure economic value and enhance patient safety.

Headquartered in Oxfordshire, with subsidiaries in Germany, India and the US, Isansys is a privately limited company which was founded in 2010 by Keith Errey and Rebecca Weir.

Our business is to work with health professionals, insurance companies and healthcare organisations to provide more efficient patient monitoring against a backdrop of staff shortages and a rising number of patients and costs and limited budgets.

All our products and devices are fully certified and qualified medical devices.


8C Park Square
OX14 4RR Oxford
United Kingdom