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Telford confirmed as HMRC’s latest national digital centre

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Telford confirmed as HMRC’s latest national digital centre

In a boost for Telford, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, David Gauke, opened HMRC’s new national digital delivery centre today.

The centre, which secures 200 jobs in Telford, joins HMRC’s existing centres in Newcastle, Shipley and London. The Department’s digital teams have already delivered:

  • the biggest Self Assessment online with 8.76 million users submitting their tax return online
  • a digital tax account for businesses that now has more than 3 million users
  • a tax credits online renewal service which saw an 94% increase in users
  • the modernisation of existing IT services

Visiting the centre, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, David Gauke, met some of the teams that will help deliver HMRC’s new digital services.

On declaring the centre officially open, the Financial Secretary said:

“We want to make tax easier to understand and simpler to engage with. That’s why we’re introducing digital tax accounts for tens of millions of taxpayers and investing in HMRC’s digital transformation.

“The new digital centre established with Capgemini will help accelerate HMRC’s plans for new digital services and is helping secure jobs in Telford.”

Mark Dearnley, HMRC’s Chief Digital and Information Officer, said:

“This demonstrates HMRC’s ongoing commitment to Telford as one of our specialist locations and a main site for the delivery of IT projects and services.

“Our digital transformation is well underway. We are fundamentally changing our business and removing paper from every stage of our processes. Over the course of the next year and beyond, more and more of our customers will have access to a digital tax account and be able to do more with us online, simply, and at a time that suits them.”

The Telford Digital Delivery Centre will be available for use by Capgemini with other clients. Its future success, wider than HMRC, will open opportunities for further growth in employment for the area.

Notes to editors:

  1. Follow HMRC Press Office on Twitter @HMRCpressoffice.
  2. HMRC's Flickr channel:



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HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) is the UK’s tax authority

HMRC is responsible for making sure that the money is available to fund the UK’s public services and for helping families and individuals with targeted financial support.

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